12 Days of Xmas – Academy of Self Defense

Unwrap Your Fitness Gifts with ’12 Days of Xmas’ WOD!

Season’s greetings, Santa Clara fitness community!

It’s time to deck the halls and your muscles with our special “12 Days of Xmas” WOD. Imagine each exercise as a festive gift, unwrapping one after the other in a crescendo of fitness joy. This ‘for time’ workout is your holiday marathon of strength, endurance, and holiday cheer.

A Fitness Carol to Remember:

  • Begin with 1 SDLHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull). Just like the first day of Christmas, it’s just the beginning.
  • Add 2 Thrusters and repeat the SDLHP. Each round grows like the branches of a Christmas tree.
  • Follow the sequence, adding one movement per round, from 3 Push Presses to 4 Power Cleans, all the way to 12 OH (Overhead) Walking Lunges.
  • Along the way, enjoy the challenge of 5 Power Snatches, 6 KB Swings, 7 Pull-Ups, 8 Knees to Elbows, and more.
  • Your “true love” Coach Serra will guide you through each movement, bringing the spirit of the holidays and the motivation of a seasoned coach.

So, lace up your workout shoes and join us at the Academy of Self Defense at 12 pm. Let’s make ’12 Days of Xmas’ a fitness tradition, bringing joy, sweat, and a little holiday magic to your workout routine!

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