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  1. 2

    This is essentially a video highlighting what? are, arguably, some of the 6 best EDC knives ever made. Your comment is essentially an ignorant ejaculation by someone who feels the need to showcase stupidity.

  2. 4

    You have a lot? to learn about folders. That Chris Reeves Sebenza is one of the best folders ever made. All these knives perform amazing it the field.

  3. 5

    Only one of those knives had a liner lock you dipshit. There’s the Spyderco Sage 1 with a liner lock, then there’s a few framelocks, a compression lock on the Para-2, and a lockback on the Endura.

    And it’s funny? that you would say that a production model Benchmade is superior in quality than a Chris Reeves Sebenza or a Mick Strider SNG, which are both some of the most sought after knives in the world because of how high quality the materials, construction and strength are.

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