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  1. 6

    High? IQ? That should be “a high IQ”, cretin. Also, there should be an apostrophe in the word “don’t”. A capital letter should begin the second sentence, Italian needs to be capitalized, and I think you mean “you”. So, educate yourself before you go off? pointing at other people concerning their supposed lack of intelligence, shithead. Finally, proper English would require the use of “not” before “B r ta”.

  2. 8
    Charles A Bell

    No. Mine is center. It’s a nine ninteen, You might be too critical, but now that you mention it, there is a very slight angle on mine, mabye a micron or less. Have your local gunsmith take a look at it for a secound opinion. Beretta won’t let them pass after Qc. Can’t help you here, Mine is? perfect. Lives depend on it!

  3. 13

    really cheap pistol. but magazines expensive as shit. like the sig sp2022.

    why is the sig2022 magazines so? expensive.

    I have a 226 and I can get high quality mec gar mags for only $22

  4. 14

    This was my first gun and? I still got it. Saw your video two years ago and it sold me on the px4 storm.

  5. 15

    Hes fuckin right about the fuckin magazine, those are hard to load, when I was reloading, my finger slipped and got a deep cut? in my index finger.

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