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  1. 6
    Steve Miller

    I am an RN working in ICU. I have access to things that many people do not, make friends with an ICU nurse.. they might be able to help you out finding some of these things! The current antiseptic used for surgical procedures is Chlorhexadine,? it is broader spectrum than Betadine. I would include, tweezers, a pair of folding scissors, an exacto blade (if you can’t get a scalpel blade) and a small hemostat. The Loperamide is an essential, I would also include benadryl capsules with the meds.

  2. 7

    I? use chapstick in place of vasaline or neosporin, it packs light & you don’t have repack it in to put a new tube or vial.

  3. 8
    Daisy Cutter

    been enjoying your vids, esp. the philosophies you have for each piece of gear you carry. Just a comment on the suture you have in your level 1 kit (I am a general surgeon), for closing lacs we typically use a non-absorbable monofilament like prolene, nylon, or ethilon. Braided sutures cause more inflammatory reaction in the skin and may have a higher infection rate. Also, just curious? what the silk ties are for in your level 1 kit. Looking forward to watching your vids on your level 2 kit.

  4. 9

    Gonna? use a camp stove or light a fire? Burn cream? Okay, so I found it in my old J&J first aid kit, but it’s probably a good idea.

  5. 12

    Thanks for another excellent adn informative video, Man. Neosporin came in? handy in the wilds of Guatemala for treating chapped lips (I promise). it worked amazingly well.

  6. 13

    Man, the thought of sewing someone up makes my stomach turn. I can usually handle blood and guts but shoving a needle through someone, I don’t know about all that.

  7. 18

    Could you tell me the name? of the powder antiseptic, been looking for something like that, and powder antibiotics too.

  8. 19

    I would throw in some water proof bandages like surgeons use, I had one on after my appendectomy and I was told not to remove it for a week or two, even in the shower. Also some super glue would be good too, it hardens on contact with the oil on your skin and is almost as good a? stitches, super light weight too and hard to mess up.

  9. 23

    You do not? need band-aids. Medical tape with an antibactierail ointment works fine. It will not stick to the wound. It works.

  10. 25
    Maison Horne

    Nutn, over the years I have litterally trained myself to take notes on your videos.
    The information is just too good? to forget! Thanks, man!

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