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  1. 1

    Personally… Me being a music lover, never seen these girls before i heard them. Their voices were beautiful in my ears and heart. Then when i saw them, and the emotion they put into their songs…….. I? loved them again.

  2. 3

    but it doesent have to be different , and id never star in? a porno with these girls , gross ! ha ha ha

  3. 5
    Kiarash Faryabi

    actually the blonde one’s pretty hot. but who gives a fuck anyway? you listen? to their music. not their looks.

  4. 6

    What does that matter? Want to get horny with a song? Go and see some porn, this is music and they are singers? and song writers, pretty different thing…

  5. 7

    but there both so ugly !! i mean god damm check out 56 to 1.02 thats pug ugly they look? like some fucking pugs !! anyone agree ??

  6. 9
    Gunnhild Edwards

    I think so. I am from Iceland and have heard Emiliana Torrini´s music for 18 years and she´s pretty much regarded cute Icelandic sweetheart with accessible music that appeals to mid range? adult contemporary crowd.

  7. 14

    Aha I know life would be very much boring without randomness but as you said, when it gets out of hand and turns into arguments… But yes it is truly a miracle that we? are able to learn from each other and share opinions through YouTube. Happy holidays to you too 🙂

  8. 17

    Random is fun! XD I know things often get out of? hand, but communication and the sharing of each other’s opinions is all part of the miracle that is The Internet! Peace, and Happy Holidays!

  9. 18

    While I agree, I have learned not to shut out any venues of hearing new talent. Best example I can give is Matt Corby who gained fame on Australian Idol.? He is truly an extraordinary talent.

  10. 19
    K Thomson

    I’m listening to this as the rest of my family watch the X factor final. No way are they getting music of? this quality.
    This is spine tinglingly good.

  11. 24

    where tor turn to for some good Americana folkmusic ? to our (unofficial ) 51st state ? of course, little brother and ally Sweden. 🙂

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