Out Back with Jack – Epi-3144

Today we have another episode of  “Outback with Jack”.  These podcasts will be generated though live steam sessions done early early in the morning.  These will have an approximate start time of 0830 -11:30 CST.

These podcasts will are a lot like old school TSPC episodes on a variety of topics, many quite topical from the news and from social media.  Each show will covers a bullet point list of 5-12 topics that I will handle rather rapid fire.

From there we will talk about what ever the live audience comes up with.  These livestreams will then be converted to MP3s and put out in the standard TSPC Podcast feeds under the new series title of “Outback with Jack”

Today we are going to discuss inflation drains your life force, corporate stupidity, snakes, woke anthropologists, meat rabbit mythology, chickens in runs vs. free range, permaculture and more.

Todays Subjects Include…

  1. How companies forecast revenue and why it is often wrong and honestly stupid
  2. Would snakes be useful to control rodents naturally in a green house, well, may be, it depends
  3. Now anthropologists want us to not gender ancient remains – link
  4. Is it okay to harvest meat rabbits in warm months, what about the only months that end in R rule for hunting them
  5. How to design a property with permaculture from a blank slate and what makes it so hard
  6. Can you “cage chickens” and still get “free range benefits”, if so how
  7. Understanding inflation as draining your life’s energy over time


Resources for today’s show


Sponsor of the Day…


Video Version of Today’s Show

Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon.

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