Australia: Multiple Deaths Reported After Muslim Yelling “Allahu Akbar” Mows Down Pedestrians With Car

But worry not. According to the PC police it had absolutely nothing to do with Islamic terror. This particular Muslim man was simply “mentally ill” like the “prophet” of Islam himself. Thank goodness for that! I’m sure such wonderful news will bring great comfort to the victims and their families …

Hadith, Bukhari 2977, “I have been made victorious with terror” – The “Prophet” Of Islam, Mohammed

Qur’an Sura 33:21, “Indeed in Allah’s Messenger (Mohammad) you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in (meeting with) Allah and the Last Day …”

This Is The Only Message The Religion Of Peace Truly Knows

Reuters – “A man deliberately drove into pedestrians, killing four and injuring more than 20, in the center of Australia’s second largest city of Melbourne on Friday, but police said the incident was not terrorism-related.

Police eventually rammed the car and shot the 26-year-old driver in the arm, before dragging him from the vehicle and arresting him. Police said the man had a history of family violence and was wanted over a stabbing earlier in the day.

Pursued by police cars, the man had been seen driving erratically before speeding into a pedestrian mall, ploughing into people, police said. A shop video showed several people diving into a convenience store as the car raced along the footpath.

‘We witnessed about half a dozen people that ricocheted off the car one way or another. I saw one person fly up almost roof level of the car as they got thrown up against one of the retail stores,’ Sharn Baylis, 46, told Reuters by telephone.

‘You could hear the gasping and the screaming from people, then you just started hearing the screams and the crying as it sunk in,’ she said.

Baylis said she rushed across tram tracks and with other bystanders and gave cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) first aid to a badly hurt man who had been run over.

‘I think it was pretty much in vain at that point. The seriousness of his injuries, he was probably the worst I saw.’

One of the dead was a child. Four children, including a three-month-old baby, were taken to Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital …” Read more.

Australia: Police Ask Reporter To Take Down Video Of Witness Saying Car Attacker Was Screaming “Allahu Akbar” – “Andrea Hamblin is a reporter for the Herald Sun. Her tweet below indicates that the police are not so much as investigating the car attack that killed at least three people and wounded many more in Melbourne as they are actively trying to cover up evidence that it was a jihad attack. They don’t want people to think this was jihad, and are working to conceal evidence that it was. What do they think this denial will get them?” Read more.

November 2016: Islamic State Calls For Vehicular Attacks Against Pedestrian-Congested Streets – “In their November publication of Rumiyah Magazine, the magazine’s third and latest publication, Islamic State (IS) dedicated an entire article to encouraging followers and supporters to carry out lone-wolf vehicular attacks, specifically referencing such an attack conducted in Nice on Bastille Day in July of this year, killing 86 and injuring 434 … Regarding targets, the article suggests ‘large outdoor conventions and celebrations’, ‘pedestrian-congested streets’, outdoor markets, festivals, parades, and political rallies …” Read more.

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