What’s Growing?

 So you would think that we wouldn’t be able to grow as much here in town as we did out in the country but that hasn’t turned out to be the case. We have a nice sized corner lot with yard area on all sides of the house. The raised beds are in the back yard and so far there are just the three. The two big ones that we made out of the railroad beams that were here and then a small metal one. Our backyard, although surrounded by trees gets a LOT more sun than our yard in the country did and it is more of a sandy soil so no red clay to deal with. Things just grow so much better. Last year there was summer squash, tomatoes and peppers and this year there are tons of tomatoes, cucumbers,

a few cabbage, lettuce and hopefully there will be squash (I got is started later because I had a rather major surgery to deal with this year). There are also two metal tub planters that I am keeping herbs in. he oregano has gone to flower but the sage is looking great 


and there is some lemon grass and the huge rosemary has taken over one corner of one of the raised beds. Basil came up on its own from where it had seeded last year. 

My metal raised bed started out with just two strawberry plants in it but is quickly growing runner after runner and I expect the bed will be full in no time. Now I just have to figure out how to keep the strawberries from the ants. There is also a little raspberry plant in there that my daughter gave me an I didn’t know what to do with so it is in there for now. 

My daughter gave me a pomegranate bush and I myself bought two small blueberry bushes. 

I also just bought another Meyer lemon. I read my post from before about buying one but I have no idea what happened to that one. I do know that I never got any lemons from it that I can remember. Hopefully this one will do better. 

So I think that is most of what is growing food-wise here. I have lots of flowers and houseplants has turned into a little business but I’ll leave that for another post. Here are pictures of my tomatoes. I have two windowsills full already. There are just 9 plants out there, mostly Roma but a few Homestead. 

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