California: Muslim Woman At LA Airport Threatens To Bomb America (Video)

> Radical Islam > California: Muslim Woman At LA Airport Threatens To Bomb America (Video)

California: Muslim Woman At LA Airport Threatens To Bomb America (Video)

“I am gonna have a nice flight, but none of you is gonna have a safe sleep. I will make sure we bomb [you] … Wait and see.” Thank goodness she’s one of the Muslim moderates, otherwise she’d be threatening to bomb Ameri… hey wait a minute …

Proverbs 10:6b, “… violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.”

A Festive, Pious Muslima

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit – “A Muslim woman was caught on video threatening to bomb America and trashing homosexuals at LAX the day after the Orlando terrorist attack.

Citizen journalist Tony Vera catured the video.

Before boarding flight she threatened to bomb America.

Via David Michael Lynch:

One day after the Islamic terrorist attack in Orlando, a Muslim woman showed up at the Los Angeles International Airport, making terror threats. The news media was silent.

Journalist and cameraman Tony Vera captured police questioning a Muslim woman at the airport and searching her luggage, but finding nothing wrong, they released her and let her continue on inside the airport.

Vera stopped her as she walked past him, and that’s when she let lose again, with verbal terrorist threats against America.

“F*** America,” the woman said. “I will make sure we bomb America. You wait and see!”

She ranted on for several minutes, and eventually police arrested her again at the ticket counter, this time for real. The video has been turned over to the FBI.

Source – Gateway Pundit.

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