My Bicycle Trip Across Canada: Day 72: Last Day

July 8th: St. John’s, NL: last day

Woke up and Phill was gone. Corey’s father [who was also staying with us] started playing with a toy in the kitchen that made a lot of noise. Like a kitten playing with a ball filled with noisy balls… I left and spent too long in a used bookstore. Bought: Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, The Cold War, and the Roots of Terror. I got breakfast then headed to Rocket for tea. Met up with Angela and went to a camp called Alive, run by her friend Katy. We made a camp fire, ate smores, and sang songs. Slept at Angela’s. Look up Joy Gordon: Ethics of International Relations.

[And that’s it! Angela drove me to the airport and that is the end of it. Hope you all enjoyed ‘the ride’, and weren’t put off too much (or bored) by all my embarrassing personal details. Phill and I do hope to one day bike from Alaska to Patagonia… but that’s still a couple years away, I would assume…]



About dontdontoperate

28 year old originally from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
H.B.Sc. from UofT with a major in chemistry and a double minor in philosophy and math. M.Sc. from UofT in physiology and neuroscience.
Finished my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at McMaster in the fall of 2013.

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