To find something meaningful is something truly special. To find meaning is something else entirely. But to find out that you have meaning, to be found? What about the realization that you’ve been realized? The understanding that you’ve been understood? There are sounds on this tape that have been with me for decades – sounds that I didn’t comprehend at the time, sounds that waited for me until my ears were right and my heart was in place. And now everything sounds different, but the sounds haven’t changed. 


The Milwaukee Mix Tape Exchange has been mentioned on these pages before, a small and consistently dwindling group of friends collecting sounds to share with each other in the style of the white elephant. This tape is one that I made in or around 2005, a tape that passed through Nina’s hands before landing in its forever home with John. Nina’s review is at the bottom of the post and…well, I can think of no higher accolade. John visited last weekend and offered the tape on loan – I love listening to my own handiwork, to hear what I remember, to hear what hasn’t changed with ears that have.  


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