My Bicycle Trip Across Canada: Day 71: Awkward Texts

July 7th: St. John’s, NL

Woke up at Angela’s, went to Corey’s, and got picked up by Jamal. He took me out to Cape Spear and Red Cliff. It rained on us there, and was too foggy to see much. Same with Red Cliff.


Got dropped off then headed to Canary Cycle. Had to carry my box home, then come back for the bike. Broke my crank arm by stripping the thread. I felt stupid. Went to a coffee shop and met a cute girl named Vanessa. She teaches Ballet for a living.


Read for a bit, headed to Corey’s and packed my bike. Hope it works. Then headed to Sprout and ate two full dinners. Right now at Rocket coffee shop with Phill killing time. Awkward texts with Tara all day… [I still feel bad that I didn’t hang out with Tara again while I was in St. John’s, but I didn’t want to have a ‘travel size’ partnership for the couple days I was in the city.]

Phill and I headed out to Dodey’s [a bar] around 9 to watch the UFC 148 match, of Silva vs. Sonnen. It was really fun to get into the fights. We left at 2:30am and roamed George St., people watching. I slept and Phill packed his bike with his head lamp.



About dontdontoperate

28 year old originally from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
H.B.Sc. from UofT with a major in chemistry and a double minor in philosophy and math. M.Sc. from UofT in physiology and neuroscience.
Finished my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at McMaster in the fall of 2013.

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