Expert Council Q&A for 8-25-23 – Epi-3371 – The Survival Podcast

Today on The Survival Podcast the expert council answers your questions on liberty, covid mandate blowback, diet, science, coffee roasting, investing, vibrio flesh eating bacteria and more.

Make sure if you submit content for an expert council show you do the following….

  1. Email it to me at jack @
  2. Put TSPC Expert in the subject line
  3. Ask you question and state the expert you have the question for in one coherent sentence
  4. Hit the return key a few times and then give all the details you think are necessary

Following that procedure makes it about 100X more likely your question will get though screening and sent on to one of our experts.  All expert council members can be found on the Meet the Expert Council Page.

Join Me Today to Discuss…

  • People are unwilling to comply with CoVid Tyranny 2.0 and that is good – Dr. Paul & Chris Rossini
  • Why do many experts who know better recommend vegan diets – Dr. Ken Berry
  • Getting started with a home coffee roasting for a hobby business – Nicole Sauce – Video Nicole Mentioned, Code to Access it is 14789
  • Important news about new annual compliance issues with retirement investing – John Pugliano
  • What you need to know about vibrio, a flesh eating bacteria – Doc. Bones
  • Why we can never lift up a group of people by declaring them permanent victims – Jack

Resources for today’s show…


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Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon.

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