Strangeness is in circulation. OK, Monday’s report was just a bit long. But as feedback has come in, a useful thought or two, have become apparent. The first strange event happened at 5:31 AM today. Elaine called on the Alexa intercom (which we have in every room). “Did you want me to watch what you

Strangeness is in circulation.

OK, Monday’s report was just a bit long.  But as feedback has come in, a useful thought or two, have become apparent.

The first strange event happened at 5:31 AM today.  Elaine called on the Alexa intercom (which we have in every room).

“Did you want me to watch what you have cooking on the stove? You’re making eggs, right?”

“Um, no. Not cooking anything.  Since I am not cooking, the stove should be off, and I haven’t been over to the house since I got out of the shower and grabbed coffee…”

Rather quickly, we concluded that she must have been having a vivid dream and somehow didn’t notice the “transition back to waking.” And yes, it qualified as odd. There’s usually a “time bump” there when you go from inner/soul time to Earth time.

Even stranger is this happened just as I was reading a note from a long-time reader in Phoenix, who has just received his “calling” in life.  At age 80-s0mething.

“George my Friend I stopped reading due to several things. I had stuff to do. I also saw something else. I saw you and your readers state of consciousness. It’s also been my state of consciousness for 50 decades.

I know understand that I experience physical events based on my consciousness and my point of view. I chose experiences. NOW, I really have learned this.

I have chosen a path to take me onto and into a new timeline where I grow and and empower others. More of worth is This is MY Mission in life. I am confident and know it.

I have a lot of changes to make, and I have been diligently gathering the tools to be who I really am.

Please accept my heart felt love for you and Elaine as well as your offspring, I love you all.”

Champagne wishes and caviar dreams are due, as Roger has been a long-term “seeker” (for lack of a better word) who has just stumbled on his “calling.” Sounds like he found it, or it found him.

Putting religions aside, a calling is a very special thing.  When allowed to run its course, it becomes almost like a nuclear reactor in the core of your being. A source of Infinite’s power to be channeled into waking life.  And put to great use.

Dick Allgire’s work in remote viewing is such a calling.  Clif High’s work as a data scientist is, as well.  A calling can be spread out – a softly shaped Gaussian distribution where balance is achieved in many aspects of a life. Or it can be a very peaky distribution driving the called person to near maniacal focus on a single thing.

Amidst all this, the “timeline” we are on is now seems to be in flux.

Too many people are experiencing “dropouts” in their lives.  Things they swear that were experienced, yet no one in their circle can seem to recall the events. Or, other way around.

One such comment came from a reader who apparently met Maj. Ed Dame (of RV fame) some years ago:

“I remember Major Dames very well. I was told that I met him at UC Berkeley. I remember that night very well., the dinner, talking with other people, can still see a couple of their faces., but I have absolutely no recollection, or memory of meeting, or talking with Dames. Though I have been told I did. Kind of weird. That little segment of time is a complete blank. A void.”

The dot to connect here is how others are discovering these timeline “voids.”  Another reader shared his experience – again, all in the last day or three:

“The Flow has gone completely black to me. People I’ve known for years, suddenly deny any memory of specific conversations in otherwise-memorable circumstances.

One such:

We were standing outdoors on a bright shiny low humidity windy lunchbreak time and certain things were said.  (“What,” is not important.)  We were right outside a chain-link fence and gate that led back to the lecture room. We had a conversation that was important by its occurrence, not so much for its content.

I’ve checked with two others.  Nobody remembers anything. They’re pleasant, but certain the events I recall never happened. Nobody winks.  Nobody goes, “Nudge-nudge…”  It’s just like it didn’t happen.  I clearly remember, but no one else does.”

I responded to this with an email explaining: “You, dear friend, have just been through a timeline change, more than likely.  Only very astute people notice one going by.”

The Unsettled Future

The Future, I believe, was not quite settled when it was glimpsed by RVers and the Data Scientist. Future plays Hide and Seek with us.

The specific mechanism (method of action) is that when the Future shifts, certain predicate events (e.g., events predicated upon a conversation outside a chain link fence, or an unable to be remembered conversation with a person like Ed Dames,)

Which leads the conscious person to wonder “Did that really happen? That way, or MY way?

To which the answer is yes.  But the “my way” perhaps only on a previous timeline. That predicate (for whatever reason) cannot exist on the new timeline because it conflicts in some manner with a New Future.

At some macro level, the Future is intended and voted into being by the GMC (global mass consciousness).

The jump of a timeline is a complex thing: no two people will ever experience (have realization of their timeline changing) all at once.  Because a major part of this Life – in fact what makes differentiation/individuation possible is that no two souls are on exactly the same “time code” to put it in video terms.

Yet, internal time code is critical.  It’s how we relate to the macro timeline around us.  And in deep, personal relationships, its likely why we are drawn to some people and repulsed by others.  “Soul time” is not synchronized except at a very grotesque level – macro level – across society. Its why social media fails to “bring people together” and thus becomes so useful at stoking divisions. Anger increases separation (widens out soul time) while love synchronizes toward unity.

Ah, this is totally off topic, since this UrbanSurvival is really a site about long wave economics and the correlations between many things.  But I wanted to share a few observations sparked by events in passing.

The daily news flow, then, becomes as much about watching for these little shifts in the timeline predicates as it does looking for extinction level events.

Deep ponders await those willing to ask the essential questions about such change, though.  “Why does the Universe (global mass consciousness timeline) NOT want the Dames fellow to remember?  What might he have realized, implemented, or done?”

Same with the chain link dude. Is there a “missing memory message” to be sussed out from background noise? A “where things ripple, tells where things go?”

We know from our earliest reads on The Delphi Technique and method that the sensitive person knows the future.  Unanswered is how far we can push on that button.

Hold that thought, if you can.

Housing Data

Why words when graphics tell most?

The real story was in the fine print and the market – which had been up earlier, headed down after this:

Housing Starts
Privately?owned housing starts in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,283,000. This is 11.3
percent (±8.3 percent) below the revised July estimate of 1,447,000 and is 14.8 percent (±9.0 percent) below the
August 2022 rate of 1,505,000.

Wasn’t housing going to be a Biden showcase?  How’s this?

Housing Completions
Privately?owned housing completions in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,406,000. This is 5.3
percent (±15.1 percent)* above the revised July estimate of 1,335,000 and is 3.8 percent (±13.2 percent)* above the
August 2022 rate of 1,355,000. Single?family housing completions in August were at a rate of 961,000; this is 6.6 percent (±11.1 percent)* below the revised July rate of 1,029,000. The August rate for units in buildings with five
units or more was 433,000.

Tomorrow’s big news will be the Fed rate announcement. The CME Fed watch tool still puts the odds at 99 percent that no change will occur.

Sailing Through $33 T

The only other BIG – and really big at that – is the Federal Debt to the Penny has just crossed over to $33 trillion and change. $33,044,858,730,468.04.  I could live out my days in style with just the overage above $33 million. No doubt you would, as well.

Of course, Elon Musk- whose wealth is estimated around $235 billion – would still make you a comparative piker at $44 billion. Maybe he could spot you a billion through payday?

Tearing Down the Wires

Timeline’s marching on…

We may be able to infer the beginning of the end for NATO and/or the European Union as Rupture and conflict: Poland, Hungary and Slovakia impose embargo on Ukraine & withdraw from EU platform: “Zelensky forget the EU”.  Was it Jessica Adams astrological work that had NATO out of business around year-end? Then remember, we were just talking about predicate events, were we not?

Also keep an eye on the Ukraine effort to rope the United Nations in Ukraine lawyers insist that UN’s top court has jurisdiction to hear Kyiv’s case against Russia.

Meanwhile, unable to close the U.S. border with Mexico effectively, the SloJoe‘s are working on Ukraine’s border issues with brute force: US Abrams Tanks to Enter Ukraine ‘Soon:’ US Defense Secretary (

Leaves the War Party with problems in ’24.  Like Gavin Newsom Brushes Off Concerns About Joe Biden’s Age. Way we have it penciled now (new timeline, right?) Gruesome will be anointed by Biden, who will go into the “senior advising VP role” as the party tries to Tammany Hall the Oval. Obama’s fourth term, then?

Non-debating Trump talking to Auto strikers: Trump will skip second Republican primary debate.

More “Plane speaking” in the skies over Taiwan out in the Westpac: China flies more than 150 military planes toward Taiwan as island condemns military ‘harassment’.

India-Canada tensions are rising because Canada says it has evidence of state-backed murder of an activist. Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s ‘Canadian Citizenship’ Sparks Row After Trudeau Expels Indian Diplomat | World News, Times Now. As you read deeper into this the Indian claims become clear: Hardeep Singh Nijjar Was Forming Terrorist Groups In Punjab For Target Killings & Extortion, Reveals NIA Probe. We will have to see back and see how badly TrueDope can mess this one up.

With a possible timeline change, is woke 0n the way out?  Consider three days ago: Opinion | Is ‘Peak Woke’ Behind Us or Ahead? – The New York Times. Then a day ago Some Businesses Make ‘Woke Free’ a Selling Point – The New York Times. Which propagated (17 hours ago) as Bud Light, Target controversies give rise to new ‘anti-woke’ business model – TheStreet.

Bitcoin topped $27,000 overnight.  Sets up a “buy the rumor” into the Fed decision tomorrow?  Too many lawyers around?  SEC Loses to Binance US on Court Request But Exchange Volume Down From $5B to $40M (

Around the Ranch: Garbage Day

Yes, it’s still fun to get trashed, right?

Cereally, noticeably darker this morning which gets us to mentioning the abomination of clocks (daylight slime) called daylight time will still be around until November 5th this year.

By then, kids will be having to put on NVGs to get safely to school…

Daylight time is where all our mental troubles start.  When we were fighting existential World War 2?  “During World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt instituted year-round Daylight Saving Time, called “War Time,” from February 9, 1942 to September 30, 1945.”

Then we lost it.

I can’t speak for you, but ambiguity of thinking (rather than absolutism) allows too many answers to be “right.”  Talking to my buddy The Major, his “honest and true time” is two hours different from mine.  When he talks to his son in Colorado, another time is used.

What I’m suggesting is that failure to force worldwide adoption of UTC time makes a lot more sense than tossing out inches and feet…yet somehow, that got done.  (Imperial Europe, right?)

Or, got with total flex time.  Develop watches that begin with sunrise and adhere to a year-round sidereal time model.

But taking the trash out in the dark?

Hard to be a “unified nation” when you can have six people on a zoom call and have seven different answers to the question “what time is it?”  Our delusions facilitate our ownership by others.

Write when the sun’s up.

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