My Bicycle Trip Across Canada: Day 67: 9/11 in Gambo

July 3rd: Grand Falls-Windsor, NL to Gambo, NL: 140km

I let Phill sleep in until 9. I broke one of Britt’s angel figurines ?  Whoops

We ate some toast, left, got groceries, then had breakfast at a restaurant. Didn’t leave GFW until noon.


Hot day. Stopped for ice cream at one point, and ate lunch.

Got to Joey’s lookout/view, and some older couple invited us to stay with them. So we stayed with George and Edna, who had taken in six separate people during 9/11 when the planes were forced to land [outside of the U.S.]. Shower, food, stories, beds. So good!



[Edna and George’s story is chronicled in a book. I think it’s this one The Day the World Came to Town]

About dontdontoperate

28 year old originally from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
H.B.Sc. from UofT with a major in chemistry and a double minor in philosophy and math. M.Sc. from UofT in physiology and neuroscience.
Finished my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at McMaster in the fall of 2013.

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