Simply Self Sufficiency: Raised Beds

 Well, all did go well and we are finally home owners! It isn’t exactly my dream home of 5 acres in the country though. We are in town…a small town but still in town. We do have a nice little flat yard and a decent sized back yard so we’ll just make the most of what we have.

There have been a few projects already. The little “garage” beside the house turned into a workshop for Phil. We bought some wood and he built some doors for it. We plan to paint them the same color as the roof eventually. 

I, of course, had to have flowers so I planted daylilies all down one side of the house and made a flower garden on one side of Phil’s workshop. 

And yesterday we got a start on my favorite project so far. From the start, I never liked those beams at the front of the house. They were in a square around the very front of the house and just made no sense, made the yard look smaller and made mowing difficult. But there were eight of them. Just enough for two nice raised beds. Phil worked on pulling them all to the back yard yesterday….no easy task as they are incredibly heavy but he got them there! And now I have these wonderful big raised beds!

I am just so excited! Unlike our other house that was surrounded by trees, these beds will sit in the sun most of the day. Also the ground here is a more sandy consistency instead of that hard red clay so I am sure things will grow much better. It’s really too late in the season to have a garden this year but maybe I’ll have some fall greens or something if I can get soil for them this year. 

I’ll leave you now with a few pictures of other things. 

Painted bunting

female summer tanager

Recent painting

Curtains I sewed for my craft room

A few pictures from inside the new house. 

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