There Is No Peace, Says The Lord, For The Wicked

We have now all witnessed but a glimpse of the abhorrent atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th 2023 against innocent Israeli men, women and little children. Though we have only witnessed but a fraction of this barbaric and vile inhumanity, God has seen it all.

In light of these brutal and sickening attacks, a few things need to be said to all those defending the so-called Palestinians’ right to so-called “self-defense.” The following is a quick history lesson for anyone who has been brainwashed into defending these evil cowards.

First, archaeological records prove time and again that Israel existed thousands of years ago in the land of Judea and Samaria, and in Jerusalem, not “Palestinians.” It is, therefore, the “Palestinians” who fight to occupy land that doesn’t belong to them. Can anyone name just one famous “Palestinian” from the 19th century or earlier? Of course not. Why? Because “Palestinians” are an invented people that NEVER existed prior to 1967. According to a 1977 admission by Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee Member Zuheir Mohsen:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem …”

Furthermore, when Jordan attacked Israel in 1967, Israel captured the West Bank from JORDAN and captured Gaza and the Sinai from EGYPT during the same war. There’s a reason why the West Bank — which is on the eastern mountains of Israel — is called the “West Bank.” Just look at the Jordanian flag, and then look at the “Palestinian” flag. Behold, pure creative genius:

Palestinian Flag vs Jordanian Flag

If all of that weren’t enough, the Geneva Convention and UN Resolutions 242 and 338 reflect a very important fact that many “Palestinian” defenders conveniently ignore, which were much in the minds of governments of the day when the resolutions were adopted: The Six-Day War of June 1967 was, for Israel, a lawful exercise of the inherent right of self-defense recognized in Article 51 of the UN Charter. As a result, Israel’s occupation of territory beyond the Armistice Lines was a result of aggression by its neighbors.

In light of this little bit of history, please allow me to ask the following. Have you ever wondered why the “Palestinians” have no history, why they have no “Palestinian” language, no “Palestinian” culture, no “Palestinian” heritage and no “Palestinian” archaeology? The answer should be quite clear by now. The “Palestinians” have nothing to do with the land. It historically ISRAEL. It legally belongs to Israel.

As for any false claims of “genocide” against the so-called “Palestinians”, the fact of the matter is that it is HAMAS, under the demonic auspices of Islam, that calls for the genocide of Jews. Israel has NEVER called for the genocide of “Palestinians” in any way, shape or form:

It is therefore no wonder why the “Palestinians” call for the genocide of Jews: “Members of the Hamas terrorist group that controls Gaza have threatened Israel with genocide… the comments were made last week as Hamas marked the first anniversary of the IDF’s counter-terrorism Operation Pillar of Defense which took place in November of 2012… The victory speeches given by officials in Hamas repeatedly highlighted the group’s commitment to the liberation of all ‘Palestinian territory’, denying the right of the ‘Zionists’ to settle in the land of Israel and a declaration of the intent to perform genocide against Jews when the balance of power is reversed. This message was expressed in a speech on November 13, 2013 given by Khalil Al-Hayya, a senior Hamas figure who is a Hamas parliamentarian …” (

Or how about this “Palestinian Authority” official who once publicly called for the genocide of Jews as a religious Islamic goal? If they say these sort of things in public, what are they saying in private?

And as for war crimes, I can point to numerous instances where “Palestinian” terrorists and like-minded groups have intentionally misinformed, outright lied and even murdered as many innocent civilian men, women and children as possible numerous times before this latest morbid example. Can anyone point to instances where Israel has intentionally misled, lied and murdered innocent civilians? The “Palestinians” are guilty of war crimes time and time again, yet Israel continues to go out of its way to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible.

Mark my words. The demon-inspired atrocities of October 7th 2023 marks the beginning of the end, and a Day of Reckoning is Coming.

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