Confirmed: Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfires And Strikes Gaza Hospital, Scores Killed

> Radical Islam, Theology and Eschatology, Wars and Rumors of War > Confirmed: Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfires And Strikes Gaza Hospital, Scores Killed

Confirmed: Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfires And Strikes Gaza Hospital, Scores Killed

But it’s all Israel’s fault, right? An ideology founded upon nothing but lies accuses the apple of God’s eye for all the ills that plague them. When the Islamic nations surrounding Israel gather together against Jerusalem in excited anticipation of Islam’s “prophesied” destruction of the Jewish State of Israel, they will all be declaring how “peace and security” is finally at hand. But the fact of the matter is that true peace and safety will never come with Israel’s destruction. It will only come with Islam’s …

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The Jerusalem Post Staff – “The IDF confirmed late Tuesday night that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad failed rocket attack damaged a Gaza hospital, leading to a still-unclear number of deaths.

The army spokesperson gave a press conference declaring that ‘an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity, to the hospital at the time it was hit. Intelligence from a few sources that we have in our hands indicates that the Islamic Jihad is responsible.’

The office also told Israeli media that Israel is in possession of audio recordings in which Islamic Jihad members say out loud that they are responsible for the explosion…” Read more.

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