Is Binary Thinking Enabling a Cover-up? Case Study – Israel/Palestine

By Janet Phelan

There are always two choices, right? Republican or Democrat, chocolate or vanilla, pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian.


Or wrong?

Some of the problems we are now facing can be seen as an error in structural thinking, which reduces all problems to an either/or option. In fact, the very reality that we are forced into by choosing box A or Box B may be contributing to the continuation of the very problems we seek, through a false binary perspective, to resolve.

Nowhere is this clearer than in the current Israel/Hamas war. The dialogue has been reduced to a false paradigm, in which one chooses either a pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian stance.  And the resultant discourse of necessity focuses on these two options, de facto negating the possibility of another viewpoint.

I would like to propose a meta analysis here, to wit — OF COURSE Israel has the right to defend itself. OF COURSE the Palestinian situation is abhorrent. Neither of these realities are being disputed here. What we need to consider is how this situation developed, why it developed and who benefits from a false binary perspective.

Could it be that by constructing a conflict and then containing the possible reactions to two options that another agenda is obscured?

Consider this—obviously the genesis of this war is tainted. The “intelligence failure” which led to the border fence breach and the failure of the IDF to respond in a timely manner is patently unbelievable. Also pointing to manipulation by a hidden hand are actions which increase, rather than resolve or address the tensions. One might point to actions by Hamas to increase the Palestinian casualties, such as Hamas blockading the roads from North to South Gaza after Israel asked that the North be evacuated by civilians in peparation for invasion. Latest reports state that Hamas was “shooting at” Palestinians attempting to flee the North.

One might also point to recent reports of US bombing targets in Syria, which some pundits consider to be an aggressive move intended to further engage Iran, which has repeatedly theatened to bomb Israel into extinction, and is now linking attacks by the US to that threat.

The situation is escalating rather than in any sense ameliorating. Add to the mix the verbiage by the UN head blaming Israel for the Hamas attack, and Israel’s subsequent call for his removal, and the scene is set for all-out war.

Could that indeed be the plan? While we focus on Israel vs. Palestine, and who should be blamed, are plans being made to bomb the whole region into kingdom come? And was that always, in fact, the intention?

It appears that at this point in time, Iran’s hotly disputed nuclear program may indeed have quietly acquired the wherewithal to construct a nuclear weapon.

Which Biden appears to have financially supported.

What appears then is that rather than a (false) binary choice of Israel vs. Palestine, we have a cooperative, indeed collusive situation involving the leadership of Israel, the leadership of Palestine, the leadership of the US and of Iran, as well as other John Does. All playing a part in enabling nuclear war in the region.

If we truly are concerned with the future of Israel and/or the future of the Palestinians, this collusion should be our focal point.

And if you cannot figure out how this scenario could possibly be true, with so many state leaders saying one thing while secretly planning another, I can answer with one word—Eugenics.

Eugenics is part of the secret history of the US. From the slaughter of the indigenous peoples to the Tuskegee experiments to the outright support tendered to Nazi Germany’s extermination programs by US corporations to the more covert support offered by emissaries of the US State Department to the current-day atrocities targeting the elderly and disabled through court-authorized guardianships to  Mayor Cuomo’s infamous decision to transfer sick Covid patients to nursing homes, all of these and more smack of a eugenics agenda.

The only question left, as I see it, is whether we can wake up to our true history before it destroys us.

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan and Twitter @JanetPhelan14. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.

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