Peaches This Year….Many, Many Peaches

I know, it’s really hard to see because everything in the background is green too, but this is my peach tree (with some roses in the flower garden to this side of it). It is loaded again with peaches this year. I haven’t done a thing to the tree, no pruning, no fertilizing, no nothing. It is just out there growing on its own beside the house. We haven’t even used the peaches I already canned. Three people apparently don’t eat many peaches…I really don’t know why we haven’t eaten them. When there is only three of you, big meals aren’t necessary or meals that take a lot of time –when you all work, so we just haven’t done anything with the peaches.
I must say that at one time I thought to be self sufficient as far as fruit went, you would need several trees of each kind of fruit to get enough to last you a year but now I think one of each fruit you really like with maybe a couple apple trees (since apples are used for more things) and a few berry bushes (if you don’t have wild ones to pick) would be more than enough.

I will be lucky if the branches don’t break and I know you are supposed to take some off if they get heavy enough to break the branches. The rain we have had lately has bent them down quite far and I may have to take some off soon but I usually don’t. We’ll see how it goes. 

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