America In 2023: Prominent US Muslims Pray For Genocide Of Jews, Glorify Death, Actively Support Terrorism

Cancer is defined as a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Islam is a terminal cancer upon the earth that has now spread to 1/4th of humanity. Here are just a few examples of how is has infected America in 2023 …

Counsel On American-Islamic Relations Pushes Narrative That Fuels Antisemitic Violence, Whitewashes Genocidal Terrorism – “Hamas’s barbaric Oct. 7 massacre exposed CAIR’s double game and gave new meaning to the term ‘true lies.’ To CAIR, everything about the Palestinian cause is defensible, however murderous its adherents might be. CAIR relentlessly promotes the lies that Israel is brutally killing Gaza’s civilians and seeking to commit a ‘genocide’ that is not happening and will not happen. Nonetheless, CAIR has succeeded in playing a prominent role in the ongoing antisemitic ‘protest’ movement that demonizes Israel and Jews, supports Hamas and seeks to justify terrorism and crimes against humanity.” Read more.

Indiana: Imam Praying During Friday Sermons Asks “Allah” To Annihilate Jews And Their Christian & Arab Allies – “Indiana imam Sheikh Mongy El Quesny said in a November 10, 2023 Friday sermon streamed live on the YouTube channel of North West Indiana Islamic Center that the Jews have no mercy, yet they ‘keep bugging us about the six million Jewish people burned in the Holocaust.’ He said that the U.S. is sending special forces and agents to direct the Israeli forces, because they are ‘the most cowardly army on the planet,’ and they run like rats from fighters in sneakers with AK-47s. El Quesny said that the treacherous Arab leaders want to Palestine off the map, but Muslims in the West have the right to say what they want. He prayed to Allah to ‘bring annihilation upon the plundering and criminal Zionists, the hateful Crusader aggressors, and the treacherous Arab and Muslim rulers.’” Read more.

Colorado: Islamic Scholar Says Muslims Should Embrace Death And Die For “Allah” – “Colorado Islamic scholar Karim AbuZaid said … Muslims should not shy away from talking about martyrdom. He said that people in the West taunt Muslims about the 72 ‘women’ that martyrs receive in Paradise, but ‘there is a prize for those who die in the cause of Allah.’ AbuZaid continued to paint an image of Gazans hiding from the bombings and then becoming martyrs in Paradise. He said that it is like being upgraded from economy to first class by the airline, and he added: ‘Don’t worry about them.’ … Referring to the hadith about the trees and the rocks in the End of Time, he said that Allah will give the Muslims drones too, meaning rocks that will tell them where the Jews are hiding.” Read more.

New York University Being Sued For Allowing Students To Chant “Gas The Jews” And “Hitler Was Right” – “[W]hile attending a silent vigil on 17 October supporting Israel, they saw nearby faculty and student members of on-campus pro-Palestinian groups burn an Israeli flag, make ‘slit-your-throat’ gestures toward Jewish students and scream epithets … a lawyer for the three students, said in a statement: ‘NYU’s deliberate indifference toward the plight of its Jewish students under siege by egregious antisemitism has been outrageous.’ …” Read more.

Muslim US Rep. Rashida Tlaib Member Of Secret Facebook Group Where Hamas Terrorists Are Glorified – “The Michigan Democrat is a member of the Palestinian American Congress group on Facebook. The group is hidden from non-members and does not appear on the platform’s search engine, though Fox News Digital was able to gain access to it. The group’s founder, Maher Abdel-qader, who has extensive ties to Tlaib and has also been linked to other liberal politicians, has come under fire in the past for his antisemitic social media posts, including questioning if the Holocaust ever occurred… Tlaib became a member of the group six years ago and posted in it during her 2018 congressional campaign. The following year, she came under fire after a report in the Daily Caller News Foundation revealed her membership and the slew of antisemitic posts in the group.” Read more.

The US Charitable Network That Subsidizes Hamas, And The Donors Behind It – “An FWI investigation has uncovered over 260 million dollars sent through the 501(c) system to Hamas-aligned charities in the United States, provided by corporate foundations, employee-giving schemes, partisan community groups and a powerful array of Islamist grant-making foundations that make use of a largely-unregulated nonprofit sector. FWI’s in-depth investigation has also uncovered new instances of charities seemingly belonging to Hamas’s infrastructure in North America, evidence of terrorism links, and instances of horrendously violently anti-Semitic rhetoric among the officials of leading 501(c) charities across America. Some of these charities and their activities are even funded through the taxpayer …” Read more.

Muslim Lawyer In New Jersey Makes Clear “From The River to the Sea” Means No “Zionists” – “Meet Rajeh Saadeh, a Divorce, Family Law, Civil Rights, and Real Estate Attorney who owns The Law Office of Rajeh A. Saadeh in Bridgewater, New Jersey. He has also served as the chair of New Jersey State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division. Rajeh’s Twitter profile contains the phrase ‘from the River to the Sea’: and his other tweets show what he means by that. Clue: it is not Jews and Palestinian Arabs living peacefully together: It is no wonder he refers to terrorism as ‘resistance’ and retweets about Hamas and Hizbullah operations …” Read more.

New York Imam Hopes The 10/7 Massacre By Hamas Will Make A “Great Change” For The Whole World – “One movement can make a great change, and here, what is going on now, what we are witnessing now… One movement from Hamas, it makes a big difference not only for the Arab Muslim world, but the whole world… These people in Palestine they will make a great change, and they already have made a great change in history. For more than 75 years, the Muslims, the Arabs in Palestine are in an open prison. This is the settlers, the policy of the settlers. When they came here to the United States, what did they do with the people [here], the Native Americans? What did they do to them? [They said]: ‘Either give me your land, or I will kill you’. So it is a matter of property, a matter of land. The same thing happened in Australia, in Canada, in Africa…” Read more.

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