Strong Delusion: Islamic Scholar In California Says American Muslims Should Treat Their Neighbors “The Way Hamas Treats Its Prisoners”

> Radical Islam > Strong Delusion: Islamic Scholar In California Says American Muslims Should Treat Their Neighbors “The Way Hamas Treats Its Prisoners”

Strong Delusion: Islamic Scholar In California Says American Muslims Should Treat Their Neighbors “The Way Hamas Treats Its Prisoners”

Taking innocent children hostages, branding them, starving them, treating them like animals, denying hostages proper medical treatment, killing hostages in captivity while threatening to kill more BUT making sure to give some of them a hug for the camera when handing them over in exchange for imprisoned Islamic terrorists, why golly gee, that’s what this Islamic “scholar” likens to “kindly” spreading the peaceful message of Islam. “That’s da’wah on the ground, my dear brothers and sisters! … That’s sending the real message of Islam!” If that’s Islamic kindness, heaven forbid you should ever be forced to witness Islamic cruelty. Delusion takes many forms. The Islamic version of “killing them with kindness” is one of them …

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See: 80% Of American Mosques Teach Violent Jihad, Islam’s Supremacy
See: Study: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Muslim Americans Believe Anyone Insulting Mohammed Should Face The Death Penalty

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