Denmark, Holland, Germany: At Least Half Dozen Hamas Terror Plots Foiled Across Europe

The authorities got it right, this time. But as we all well know, all it takes is for Hamas to get it right once for us to witness wanton death and destruction. As I type this more plots are being planned, more tactics are being tried, more Jewish and Western interests around the world are being investigated. The disheveled bed we’ve made is infested with ticks and mites, and ceaselessly working to tidy it up is seemingly becoming an unending exercise in futility …

See: Hamas May Be Planning Widespread Terror Attacks On American Soil
See: CIA Finds 20% Of Job Applicants Hail From Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda
See: Vet: Mass Terror Is Coming To America, ‘We’re Going To Have A Real Bad Year
See: ‘You Must Pay The Price’: Hamas Threatens Violence Against Americans ‘Everywhere’ In Chilling New Video

Express – “At least seven terror suspects arrested in Europe were planning to carry out an operation on behalf of Hamas, according to Israeli intelligence.

Israel’s Mossad spy agency said Danish agencies had exposed ‘Hamas infrastructure on European soil,’ according to a statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

Earlier today, at least three people were arrested in Denmark and one in the Netherlands on suspicion of plotting to carry out ‘an act of terror,’ Danish police said Thursday. A further three have also been arrested in Berlin, according to German prosecutors.

The arrests come just one day after a senior Hamas official called for ‘violent acts’ against Americans and Britons around the globe.

An initial statement from the Israeli PM’s Office read: ‘Following an accelerated and comprehensive intelligence investigation, Danish security and law enforcement agencies arrested 7 terrorists acting on behalf of the Hamas terrorist organisation and thwarted an attack, the goal of which was to kill innocent civilians on European soil.’

It warned that Hamas has ‘striven to expand its operational capabilities around the world, especially in Europe’ to attack ‘Israeli, Jewish and Western targets at any price’.” Read more.

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