France: Muslim Storms Nursery School In Paris, Threatens Jewish Director With Rape And Dismemberment

For the glory of Allah. Meanwhile, a Muslim teacher is “charged with rape and sexual harassment in Tours” while in another incident a Muslim gang violently assaults a 13-year-old girl in Lyons after her father reported to police that she was sexually assaulted by a Muslim. With “no-go zones” and multiple violations all across the country on a near daily basis, France is itself already being raped and dismembered by Islam. The damage that France has inflicted upon itself is irreversible …

RAIR Foundation – “On Tuesday, December 12, In a harrowing event that has deeply unsettled the community, a knife-wielding man invaded ‘Les Mini Kids,’ a nursery school in Champigny-sur-Marne, a Parisian suburb. The nursery predominantly serves children under two, many of whom are Jewish. This chilling incident, which took place on Tuesday, December 12, has profoundly shaken the local community and amplified existing fears among French Jewish citizens.

The intruder, described as a man of North African descent with a bushy beard and black cap, burst into the nursery and rapidly made his way to the Jewish director’s office. Once there, he aggressively brandished a knife, slammed her desk, and launched into a tirade of threats encompassing both physical violence and sexual assault. The director was subjected to a horrifying onslaught of antisemitic and sexually charged threats. He chillingly mirrored the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 in Israel, threatening her with similar acts of murder, rape, and kidnapping.

He threatened, ‘You are a Jew, you are a Zionist. I am going to kill you. You dirty Jew. Five of us will come here and rape you, chop you up like in Gaza.’ The terrorist then left the scene abruptly, leaving the headmistress in a state of shock. The children in the nursery were immediately confined for safety, and the police were notified.” Read more.

The Mark of the Beast: What Your Church May Not Be Telling You – “In chapter 5 of the book of Zechariah we read about a vision that Zechariah was given of a flying scroll and a ‘wicked woman’.  An angel tells Zechariah that ‘This is the curse that is going out over the whole land’ at the appointed time (5:3,11)… Of particular interest here is the fact that this ‘curse’ is described as a ‘woman’ who would be set up in ‘Babylon’ (Shin’ar)… This area is today the regional epicenter of Islam. Additionally, one intriguing aspect to the ‘curse’ that goes out over the whole land is that the word for ‘curse’, and even how it is pronounced, is the Hebrew word ‘alah’… There should be little doubt that the ‘woman’ of Zechariah 5 that would have a house built for it in Babylon directly represents the ‘Whore of Babylon’ referred to earlier. Over 600 years after Zechariah’s vision of the end times, John in Revelation 17 is given a vision of the future and of ‘the great harlot who sits on many waters … And on her forehead a name [was] written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH’ (17:1,5).” Read more.

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