Report: Majority Of Antisemitic Hate Crimes In Germany Committed By Those With “Foreign” Belief System

They’re Muslims. Why not just say it? Why is Germany afraid of speaking the cold hard truth? What did Germany expect after inviting the closest thing to Nazism since WWII into the country to mingle alongside Jews and their Christian supporters? When the leadership of the nation responsible for the Holocaust decides to ignore history and go out of its way to officially protect and promote the very ideology that inspired Hitler and the ‘final solution’, don’t be surprised when history begins repeating itself …

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Breitbart – “There have been hundreds of antisemitic ‘politically motivated crime’ cases in Germany since the Hamas terror attack against Israel this year, and the majority of them are attributed to ‘foreign ideology’ or ‘religious’ causes.

The German government has released new hate crime statistics after a request for information by the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) faction in Parliament, revealing that over 700 such crimes have been registered since the Hamas terror attack in October.

Broadsheet newspaper Die Welt reports of the known causes for such attacks particular causes and nationalities stand out in ‘most’ cases, revealing that among politically-motivated antisemitism, the majority of cases are attributed to ‘foreign ideology’ or ‘religious’ ideology. The majority of known perpetrators are German passport holders, although to what extent these offenders come from a ‘migration background’ is not recorded, the paper states.

Following the German group, the most likely nationalities to be involved in antisemitism are Syrians followed by Turks, it was said. Spokesman for the AfD group which requested the data Gottfried Curio pointed to the preponderance of Syrians in the statistics, noting that while Syrian passport-holders made up one per cent of the national population, they appeared to be responsible for 14 per cent of the recorded political antisemitism.

Curio said, Welt reports, that: ‘The proportion of Syrian… is far higher than their proportion of the total population… The connection between the extent of the anti-Semitism that is now breaking out and the migration movement since 2015 has been proven.’” Read more.

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