Babylonian Bubbly USA: Dem Rep Pledges Allegiance To Islamic Country, NJ School District Partners With Pro-Terror Org, NYU Prof Promotes Antisemitism, Missouri Imam Demonizes Jews, Terrorists Cross Open Borders Into US …

In today’s world we have the brainwashed, the harebrained and the braindead. Here are a few recent examples of all three in America today …

Minnesota: Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) Pledges Allegiance To Somalia – “As a freshman congresswoman, Ilhan Omar burst on the national stage after she accused pro-Israel politicians in America of being bought off by the ‘benjamins, baby,’ sparking bipartisan condemnation for remarks widely understood to be antisemitic. But last week, the representative gave a speech to a Somali group in her first language, a video clip of which circulated over the weekend. A translation of the clip has Omar allegedly telling the audience to ‘sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system.’ … A senior House Republican told me that, ‘It is utterly reprehensible and a clear dereliction of duty when a member of the US Congress shows such overt allegiance to a foreign nation.’ Omar’s colleague added that her recent speech is ‘a clear signal of a potential conflict of interest and a deeply troubling indication of misplaced loyalty.’ … One GOP foreign policy staffer said to me that he’s ‘not sure if it’s stupidity or ignorance, but the end result is horrifying that this is coming from a member of Congress.’ … ” Read more.

New Jersey: NJ School District Blasted For Partnering With Controversial CAIR Group – “Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) is blasting a New Jersey school district for partnering up with the local branch of a controversial American-Islamic advocacy organization CAIR — calling the move ‘outrageous and unacceptable.’ Teaneck Public Schools Superintendent Andre Spencer, who endorsed a polarizing Nov. 29 walkout in support of the group, hailed the partnership as part of a letter obtained by the Post sharing ‘important programming’ in Teaneck Public Schools… A letter from Gottheimer obtained by The Post slammed Spencer’s decision, highlighting that CAIR has ‘openly praised Hamas terrorists’ after their brutal attack on Israel Oct. 7. ‘It is outrageous and unacceptable to welcome CAIR-NJ into Teaneck’s schools to promote ‘togetherness and belonging’ after its national executive director [Nihad Awad] openly expressed glorification about the vile terrorist attacks and sexual violence perpetrated against innocent Americans, Israelis, and others,’ Gottheimer said…” Read more.

New Jersey: Muslim Youtuber Promotes Jew Hatred, “Allah Is Warning Muslims Against The Jews; They Are Not Our Friends” – Muslim YouTuber Jake Brancatella, ‘the Muslim Metaphysician,’ said in a January 20, 2024, interview on the podcast of Chicago-based charity, Islamic Oasis, which was streamed live on YouTube that the Jews are not the friends of the Muslims. He told the podcast host, Islamic Oasis’s president, activist Muhammad Shirazi, that he doesn’t care if the Jews are anti-Zionists or if they ‘have something nice to say about the Palestinians […] they are not our allies.’ Barncatella said that the Jews have distorted their scripture and killed their prophets and messengers. According to his GoFundMe campaign, Brancatella lives in Neptune, N.J. The Islamic Oasis podcast has hosted various members of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the past, including Dr. Abdul Waheed, the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain. The group was recently proscribed a terrorist organization and banned in the UK…” Read more.

New York: Muslim NYU Professor Proves Antisemitism Is Welcome On Campus – “Jewish students knew not to take any of his classes: That by itself shows that Amin Husain shouldn’t have been teaching at New York University, even in the Gallatin adult-ed program. And it’s proof positive that NYU is OK with antisemitism at a deep institutional level, and that ousting a few university presidents or even a handful of board members won’t remotely fix American academia. Husain’s in the spotlight now thanks to video from a Dec. 5 session he led for New School Students for Justice in Palestine, in which he dismissed claims that Hamas sexually assaulted women and beheaded babies as ‘not true’ and called New York City ‘Zionist.’ He also brags about receiving ‘the honors of antisemitic multiple times’ and gloats over his profile on the antisemite-flagging website Canary Mission … Last October, an NYU alum launched a Change.Org petition pushing for Husain’s dismissal for using ‘his position at this esteemed institution to propagate hate and violence against Jews.’ But a properly functioning school should never employ a faculty member so biased against a single group that they don’t dare take his classes. The hatemonger has never tried to cover up his vile history; he’s proud of it — bragged of it just last month, on video.” Read more.

Missouri: Bigoted St. Louis Imam Calls Israel A “Cancer” Filled With “The Most Bigoted Category Of People You Can Ever Meet” – “The bombardment that is takin place now [in Gaza], the killing of the elderly, the women, and the children is nothing new… this is nothing but a continuation of a series of massacres and atrocities of this very hateful regime, this very bigoted regime, that has been instilled as a cancer in the heart of the Islamic nation… The most bigoted category of people you can ever meet are those people… By Allah, they are going to be summoned to the courts of Allah… Oh Allah, support the mujahideen fighting on your behalf everywhere. Oh Allah, make our and their end martyrdom purely for your sake, after hurting Your enemies and vanquishing them – martyrdom that is no more than the sting of an ant, and Paradise straight after that.” Read more.

Kaaba: Idol Of Stone (Click To See Why This Is Idolatry)

Massachusetts: Boston’s First Muslim City Councilor Cavorts With Extremists At Islamist Gala – “Tania Fernandes Anderson, a ‘progressive’ Boston City Councilor who described the October 7 massacre, rape, and kidnapping of 1,200 Israeli civilians as a ‘military operation,’ shared the podium with two radical imams at a fundraising gala held on the 100th day after the massacre. The gala took place at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, a mosque with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood… It was held on behalf of the Praise Allah Mosque led by Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, a well-known extremist with a long history of promoting Islamist radicalism and anti-Americanism… City Councilor Anderson echoed Faaruuq’s messaging about the alleged misdeeds of Israel and the United States, accusing the Jewish state of committing genocide against the Palestinians… In a world that makes sense, Anderson’s open affiliation of and praise for divisive extremism would result in her censure by the Boston City Council and maybe even a push for her removal from the body. But not in Boston.” Read more.

Texas: A Terrorist Was Caught Crossing The Southern Border Nearly a Year Ago. Guess What Happened Next – “A terrorist who entered the United States illegally through the southern border roamed free in the U.S. for nearly a year before being arrested in Minnesota this month. According to an internal memo obtained by the Daily Caller, the unnamed individual who is a part of the Somali terror group al-Shabaab, was caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border San Ysidro, California on March 13, 2023. At the time, the Terrorist Screening Center reportedly deemed the individual to be a ‘mismatch’ after running his name through the system. However, on Jan. 18, the Terrorist Screening Center reportedly ‘made a redetermination’ that the individual was ‘a confirmed member of al-Shabaab.’ The individual was involved in the use, manufacture, and transport of explosives or firearms…” Read more.

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