Babylonian Bubbly USA: Antisemitism Skyrockets, Jews Assaulted, Imams Vow To “Annihilate” And “Slaughter Jews Like Sheep”, Terrorist Bomb Maker Caught At Border …

In the world of Islam, the wine of the vine is forbidden yet the wine of violence is forced upon all. And, sadly, there are many who partake of it willingly. It is evident from Scripture that there will be many Gentile survivors after the Second Coming of Christ when He pours out His wrath upon the armies of the nations that have gathered to surround and destroy Israel (cf. Isaiah 2:2-4, 14:1-2, Zechariah 14:9,16-19, Ezekiel 36:24-28,36). Those who remain will be separated into two groups and judged as “sheep” and “goats” (Matthew 25). One group will be permitted entry into the earthly Millennial Kingdom, while the other will not. It isn’t difficult today to surmise who some of those among the latter will be …

Massachusetts: Police Investigate Seven Antisemitic Hate Crimes In Newton – “Police have opened investigations into seven acts of antisemitic hate in the past few weeks in Newton, Mass., a town of 87,000 people. In one case, someone threw a rock through the window of a Jewish family’s home that posted lawn signs saying ‘Boston Strong. Israel Strong’ and ‘Bring Them Home.’ … In another incident, someone used red paint to mar an entire line of lawn posters featuring the faces of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip… a vandal also struck four ‘We Stand with Israel’ posters, hitting one home twice… ‘It’s hard to absorb that there are people today in this area supporting Hamas in one of the most heinous attacks of our time,’ he [a local Rabbi] said. ‘This kind of hate has to be condemned categorically.’” Read more.

Massachusetts: Antisemitic Cartoon Demonizing Jews Goes Viral At Harvard – “A political cartoon that has been recently published in a number of media outlets depicts a hand, adorned with a Star of David and a dollar sign, holding a noose around the necks of an Arab man and a black man … [was shared] in an Instagram post from Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine, a collective that, according to its website, included 111 Harvard educators at the time the post was shared… After Alan Garber, provost-turned-interim president in the wake of Claudine Gay’s resignation in January, announced an investigation, the students … released an updated post, replacing the cartoon with a reference to Kwame Ture/Stokely Carmichael, who regularly declared that ‘the only good Zionist is a dead Zionist.’ Welcome to Harvard.” Read more.

California: Berkley Non-Jewish Teachers & Students Accused Of Nonstop Bullying And Harassment Of Jewish Teachers & Students – “An art teacher in Berkeley, California told her class of second-graders to write ‘Stop Bombing Babies’ on sticky notes to be plastered by the door to a Jewish teacher’s classroom, according to a complaint filed by the Brandeis Center and the Anti-Defamation League late last month. The complaint, which alleges a breach of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (1964), claims the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) failed to take action to end ‘nonstop bullying and harassment of Jewish students by peers and teachers’ since October 7 … BUSD schools have placed Jewish students in separate classrooms instead of addressing the issue of antisemitism … The release detailed a number of antisemitic incidents, including mob attacks against Jewish students. The incidents have reportedly forced many Jewish students to remove their Stars of David and cease wearing items associated with Judaism…” Read more.

Florida Islamic Sermon Vows That Muslims Will Annihilate “Accursed Zionists” And “Will Inherit The Land, Homes, Property Of The Jews” – “Florida imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi asked in a March 8, 2024 Friday sermon at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami, which was streamed live on the mosque’s Facebook page, that Allah make the coming Ramadan a ‘blessed month of victory.’ He quoted a verse from the Quran according to which the Muslims will seize, enjoy, and live in the settlements of the Jews. Kablawi then quoted another verse from the Quran according to which Allah will cause the Muslims to inherit the land, homes, and property of the Jews. He said that the ‘Nazi Zionists’ and their Zionist supporters in Washington are worse than Hitler and that there is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats, who are both led by Satan. Kablawi supplicated to Allah to support the people of Gaza who are waging Jihad and to ‘bring annihilation upon the accursed Zionists.’” Read more.

Florida: Muslim Arrested For Antisemitic Threats, Attacks Against Jews – “A man in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, is under investigation for what authorities are calling antisemitic attacks, as reported by Local 10 News. Mohamed Al Saccal, 39, has been accused of using a sharp object, described by some victims as a dagger, to threaten Orthodox Jews in the community. According to Sgt. Brain Schnell, this incident is part of a disturbing trend of harassment targeting members of the Jewish community over the past three days. Al Saccal allegedly chased a couple on their way to a synagogue along Collins Avenue, yelling antisemitic sentiments and threatening their lives. According to the report, Al Saccal, a resident of Sunny Isles Beach born in Jordan, is currently in custody, facing charges of aggravated assault.” Read more.

Michigan Islamic Sermon: One Day The Muslims Will Slaughter The Jews Like Sheep, Prays For Martyrdom While Killing Them – “In a January 5, 2024 Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Warren, Michigan, which was streamed live on the Mosque’s YouTube channel, Imam Abdou Alwaly Zindani invoked the hadith about the Muslims killing the Jews at the End of Times. He said that the Muslims will slaughter the Jews like sheep and that the stones and trees will ‘work undercover’ for the Muslims, telling them where the Jews are hiding. Zindani went on to supplicate: ‘Oh Allah, make us soldiers for You, […] make us die the way you want us to die.’ Abdou Zindani is imam at the Islamic Universal Services Association in Warren, Michigan. He presented at the November 2023 interfaith Thanksgiving service organized by the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit.” Read more.

Michigan Islamic Scholar: There Can Be No Real Peace With Jews & Non-Muslims, Violent Jihad Only – “Michigan Islamic scholar Ahmad Musa Jibril discussed the ‘ruling on normalization treaties’ in the first of a series of lectures posted on March 11, 2024 … he said that there can be no permanent treaties between Muslims and the infidels and that when the Muslims grow strong and feel it is beneficial, then they must inform the enemy that ‘this treaty has come to an end.’ He said that the Prophet Muhammad ‘dismissed’ the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, once it was merely rumored that the Jewish tribe had killed one of his Companions. Jibril continued: ‘It was war until the death of every last one of them.’ …” Read more.

Michigan: Hezbollah’s Covert U.S. Training Ground For Muslim Children In Dearborn – “[T]he Islamic Al-Mustapha Girl Scouts recently held their annual Takleef Celebration at Great Revelations Academy, a private Islamic school in Dearborn, Michigan. This controversial school has connections to staunch supporters of Hezbollah and the Iranian regime… Founded in 2015 by fervent supporters of Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, a key figure in the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and considered the spiritual leader of Hezbollah… Principal Sheila Bazzi-Charara has openly declared the academy’s adherence to Fadlallah’s philosophy, mission, and vision, further solidifying its ties to extremism… collaborations with organizations like the Qaim Project, led by Sheikh Mohammad Ayad, demonstrate the academy’s alignment with extremist ideologies. Ayad’s Qaim Project glorifies Hezbollah and Hamas, advocating for a Shiite-Sunni jihadist alliance against the West. The project’s endorsement of the Iranian regime and its anti-American worldview further exemplify the academy’s dangerous associations.” Read more.

Illegal Migrant From Lebanon Caught At Border Admits He’s A Hezbollah Terrorist Hoping “To Make A Bomb” For NYC – “A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York … Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by the US Border Patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody, he was asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied, ‘I’m going to try to make a bomb,’ according to a Border Patrol document … Ebbadi said in a sworn interview after his arrest that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years … Border agents continue to see a surge in migrants whose names appear on the terror watchlist entering the US illegally as crossings continue at record levels.” Read more.

Illinois: Pro-Hamas Mob Brutally Assaults Jewish Man With Israeli Flag In Chicago – “A Jewish man carrying an Israeli flag was assaulted on Monday evening in Chicago as he walked to a screening of ‘Nova,’ a documentary about the October 7th Hamas massacre at the Nova Music Festival… ‘I did not say anything to anyone, as we walked up I did not look at anyone, I did not give anyone the finger, I simply walked up holding an Israeli flag.’ … the group threw him into a parked car and started punching him in the head. ‘I think it is disgusting you cannot walk down the street Jewish in 2024,’ the victim, who was not seriously injured, remarked. Of late, Chicago has seen several instances of anti-Israel protests and incidents…” Read more.

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