You ever wake up feeling….ugly? I’m not talking about “not feeling yourself” ugly, I’m thinking something more like “willing to destroy yourself” ugly. You refuse to look in the mirror – not because you’re scared of what you might see, but because you know what’s going to be staring at you. And it’s disgusting. You ever wake up feeling….hopeless? I’m not talking about “should have slept in today” hopeless, I’m thinking something more like “hopeless” hopeless. You refuse to see the light – not because you’re stubborn, but because you know it’s not there. You ever wish those feelings had a soundtrack? You ever wish those days had a soundtrack? Enter: POTEMKIN. Terrifyingly misanthropic sludge that understands your desperation and sees you for the ugly piece of shit you know you are. And sometimes…it feels good to feel seen. 

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