Babylonian Bubbly France: More “Allahu Akbar” Terror, “White People” Attacked, Offensive Cross Destroyed, Knife-Wielding Allah-Lover Threatens Passengers, Olympic Terror Attack Thwarted …

If the veil that conceals the spiritual world from our physical world were to be lifted, we would be horrified by the level of demonic activity that follows Allah’s “religion of peace” wherever it goes. Then again, we don’t really need any veil lifted to already see the horrors that lie beneath

Knife Wielding Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Terrorizes Locals – “On Sunday morning, there was a major incident in Brou-sur-Chantereine, near Chelles, after a man pulled out a knife in the street and shouted ‘Allahu akbar’. The incident took place shortly before 9.30am on Avenue Jean-Jaurès in front of a bakery. A shop owner then called the police, who obviously took the incident very seriously. Three police vehicles arrived at the scene very quickly. In the meantime, the man, who was said to have behaved in a threatening manner, had not attacked anyone else. The police tracked him down and tried to arrest him, but he refused to be detained. According to the police, they had to use their stun gun to force him to give in. After using their stun gun, the police found the knife he had been carrying …” Read more.

“Ethnic Gang” Lynch 24-Year-Old Man, “Attackers Wanted To Beat Up White People” – “A dance evening, the ‘farmers’ ball”, was held on Saturday evening in the Murinais ballroom organised by young farmers from Saint-Marcellin and Pont-en-Royans. An initial brawl broke out outside the hall between two men who had just come from the party and half a dozen others who were outside, all of them young people from Saint-Marcellin. As other people came out of the hall to aid their two friends, their opponents were pushed back and they fled. In a second phase, however, they returned with reinforcements and a second, much more violent brawl broke out, during which the main victim was kicked and punched. The young man was discharged from hospital later that day but had suffered serious head injuries …” Read more.

“Allahu Akbar” Muslim Destroys Offensive Christian Cross To Pray Islamic Prayers – “According to reports obtained by Le JDD, the man deliberately drove his van backwards into the monument before securing it with a belt and knocking it over. The man, who is of Turkish origin, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before starting to pray at the scene. When the police arrived, the man behaved calmly but spoke incoherent religious words. It turned out that the person suffered from repeated psychological problems. His wife confirmed that he had already been admitted to a psychiatric facility at the beginning of May.” Read more.

Muslim Migrant Develops Sudden Urge To Quickly Stab Random Metro Passengers – “The peace of what is described as a quiet Lyon neighbourhood was shattered on Sunday afternoon after a knifeman launched a rampage at the city’s Place Jean Jaurès Metro station. Four people were injured, three seriously, but there were no fatalities. The suspect arrested at the scene is a 27-year-old Moroccan man who, authorities say, is subject to a OQTF (an ‘Obligation de quitter la France’ or order to leave the country) which was issued as far back as 2022. Embarrassingly for the French government, this means the suspect — who is known to the police for drugs possession — has been in France without authorisation for years. The fact the migrant male suspect in the stabbing shouldn’t even have been in France at all at the time of Sunday’s attack has invited scorn from right-wing politicians in France …” Read more.

Man With Knife Arrested On Train For Glorifying Terrorism, Threatening Passengers For “Allah” – “According to reports from Europe 1, a man armed with a knife was arrested on the RER D regional train on Tuesday morning for glorifying terrorism. He was taken into police custody. A man armed with a knife was arrested early Tuesday morning on the RER D near Maisons-Alfort in the Val-de-Marne department. According to information from Europe 1, the 35-year-old offender, who is known to the police, threatened the passengers with statements about ‘Allah’. He was eventually arrested and taken into police custody.” Read more.

Police Arrest Wannabe Jihadist Martyr Planning Terror Attacks During Olympic Games – “An 18-year-old Chechen national was arrested by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) on May 22, as BFMTV learned from police sources. The defendant was suspected of planning to carry out an Islamist-inspired attack on national soil, targeting the football competitions planned in Saint-Étienne as part of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. According to initial findings of the investigation, the young man was planning an attack on the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium, where several football matches are to be held in the summer. The planned attack was aimed at spectators and members of the security forces… He would have liked to attack spectators, but also the forces of law and order, and wanted to die as a martyr,’ …” Read more.

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