Woah! – Academy of Self Defense


Ready to test your limits and supercharge your fitness? Our latest Workout of the Day, WOAH! AMRAP, is all about maximizing your efforts in a set time. The challenge: complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of this dynamic circuit. Each movement in this workout is designed to build strength, improve endurance, and boost overall athleticism. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this workout will push you to dig deep and give it your all.

Workout Overview:

1. Bear Crawl (down wall)
A killer way to kick off this WOD! Bear Crawls activate your shoulders, core, and legs, prepping your body for the work ahead.

2. Push Jerks
Engage your upper body and core with Push Jerks. This explosive movement combines strength and power, working your shoulders, triceps, and legs.

3. Goblet Squats
Get ready to feel the burn in your quads and glutes. Goblet Squats add a strength-training twist to your standard squat, building lower body power.

4. Lateral Burpees (per side)
Burpees with a twist! The lateral movement challenges your agility and coordination while giving you a full-body cardio blast.

5. Power Cleans
One of the most effective full-body exercises, Power Cleans hit your legs, back, and shoulders hard, building explosive strength.

6. Push-Up to Pike Toe Tap
This compound movement combines push-ups with a flexibility-enhancing toe tap, giving your chest, shoulders, and hamstrings a thorough workout.

7. Pull-Ups
Pull-Ups are the ultimate test of upper body strength. Whether you’re doing them strict or with a little assistance, they’ll target your lats, biceps, and core.

8. Front Rack Reverse Lunges
This lunge variation strengthens your legs and core while improving balance. The front rack position adds an extra challenge, engaging your shoulders and arms.

*9. Deadbugs (with band)
Deadbugs are excellent for core stability, and adding a band intensifies the challenge, ensuring your core stays engaged throughout.

10. 100 Double Unders
Finish strong with 100 Double Unders. This high-intensity cardio move will spike your heart rate and test your coordination.

Tips to Maximize Your Workout:

  • Pace Yourself: With an AMRAP, it’s easy to go all out from the start. Find a steady pace that allows you to maintain form throughout.
  • Focus on Form: Prioritize good form over speed, especially in complex movements like Power Cleans and Pull-Ups.
  • Modifications: New to these exercises? Swap Push-Ups to Pike Toe Tap with regular Push-Ups, and substitute Pull-Ups with body rows if needed.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep water close by and take small sips between rounds to stay hydrated.
  • Warm-Up and Cool Down: Spend at least 5-10 minutes warming up before starting and cooling down afterward to prevent injuries and aid recovery.

Join the GRIT Community:

Don’t let this workout be a solo mission! Share your progress with our supportive community on social media. Tag @academyselfdefense and use #GRITWOD to connect with others pushing through the same challenge.

Ready to push your limits? Join us at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara for our next class or sign up for a free trial. Let’s make today’s workout one to remember!

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