NO STATIK played New York City at The Acheron on the winter 2013/14 tour, and PERFECT PUSSY was added to the show last minute. I don’t remember the details, but I feel like they were booked on a different show and there was some drama related to the other band so they righteously bailed. There had been a New York Times thing written about PERFECT PUSSY that week or something, shit is fuzzy but I feel like it was definitely a “thing” that they dropped off of the show. The singer had been in SHOPPERS and I had really dug on that tape…and really that’s about all of the nuggets related to that night and this tape that I remember. It was a killer show, and PERFECT PUSSY ripped – the damaged melody was a nice break from the all out fury from the rest of the bands (NOMAD, CREEPING DOSE and GRUDGES, all of whom were straight fire) – and the whole show was really damn good. I feel like I might have passed out in a car outside St. Vitus that night I also might be remembering a different night. I’m an old man, after all. Last weekend B gave me a box of tapes at practice – he said, “most of these are from the time when NO STATIK was playing and touring, so you might have a lot of them.” I had a few but I didn’t have this one, so I heard recorded PERFECT PUSSY for the first time yesterday and you know….? Shit is excellent. They are so damn catchy, damaged in furious in a way that completely transforms them – just complete urgency in presentation with hooks ripped (discretely) from late ’80s college alt. Obviously this tape connected me to a fountain of memories and for that I am grateful, but as a simple collection of four songs? This tape is perfect.

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