A Survival Tool Lost |

In this companion video to a recent article, Dr. Joe Alton discusses the FDA warning letters to Chewy and other companies telling them to shut down the sale of fish antibiotics to the public. This represents a significant loss of an important tool in the medical woodshed in survival scenarios. In normal times, sure, only use them under the supervision of a doctor/vet, but could the FDA action may cause unnecessary deaths if the you-know-what hits the fan and a minor infection gets out of control. Find out more in the video below:

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe Alton MD

Hey, don’t forget to check out our entire line of quality medical kits and individual supplies at store.doomandbloom.net. Also, our Book Excellence Award-winning 700-page SURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR WHEN HELP IS NOT ON THE WAY is now available in black and white on Amazon and in color and color spiral-bound versions at store.doomandbloom.net.

And don’t forget the Altons’ first ever children’s story book “Snowbie, The First Snowman” on Amazon! 100 percent of our royalties will go to Tunnels 2 Towers this year!



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