A Wake-Up Call: The Inevitable End Of Europe As We Know It

Hamas supporters in Germany call for a Caliphate. A jihadi terrorist network was arrested in Spain. A church service is interrupted by shouts of “Allah is greater!” in France. Islamists plan the mass murder of infidels at a parade in Vienna. Muslims burn an Israeli flag and threaten a Jewish synagogue in Sweden. And the list goes on, and on, and on, ad nauseam.

Leaders in Europe (and the West in general) should have known better. They know how to read. The faith and philosophy of Islamic jurisprudence was never kept secret, hidden from the watchful eyes of all but a select few or confined to an innocuous band of shadowy sandal-wearing “extremists” squatting in caves over campfire camel meat. No. The social and religious mores of Islam were readily available for all to see. Its sordid history and the resulting catastrophes that follow wherever Islam spread was always available for anyone who cared to investigate. But far too many did not. Instead of vetting values and virtues, Europe’s willfully ignorant and politically-driven myopia permitted scores of immigrants with codes of conduct, conscience and convention antithetical to our own to live alongside the very people that Islamic teachings say must one day convert to Islam, or die.

We all recognize that there will be those who are genuinely peaceful, who truly want to live a life of peace far removed from the death, destitution and disparity they fled from. But we also need to recognize that they are not peaceful because of what Islam teaches. They are peaceful in spite of it. As Islamist fervor and preeminence continues to metastasize within Muslim communities all around the globe, and with an estimated 44+ million Muslims now living all across an “enlightened” Europe, the immediate, foreseeable future is proving to be anything but bright …

See: Danish Psychologist: “Islam Creates Monsters”
See: Norway: Muslim Immigrants Have 400% Higher Crime Rate
See: Australia: Muslim Immigrants 5x As Likely To Commit Crimes
See: Jonesing For Jihad: A Psychological Examination Of Islamic Terror
See: Britain: Muslim Prison Population Up 200%, 8x Faster Than Others
See: ‘Darkness’, ‘Uncivilized’, ‘Misogyny’, ‘Barbarity’: Be Honest About Islam
See: Muslims 4% Of UK Population Yet 200x More Likely To Commit Sex Crimes
See: Arab Writer: Islam’s Uncivilized ‘Civilization’ Has Accomplished Nothing, ‘Philosophy And Logic Are Considered Heresy In Islam’

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