Acid Reflux, Wound Irrigation, Tic Disorders, Narcan(r) |

In this episode of the Survival Medicine Podcast, Dr. Joe and Nurse Practitioner Amy Alton discuss a wide range of medical topics from tic disorders to acid relux to wound care. Amy gives a thorough overview of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and the various treatments used, their advantages and disadvantages.

Dr. Joe Alton discusses wound care and how proper irrigation of an open wound helps healing and increases survival rates. Plus, a news story out of New York City that suggests the government there is asking everyone to carry anti-overdose drugs like Narcan(r) due to an alarming death rate from fentanyl.

Dr. Alton also takes a question from an audience member about tic disorders, especially in kids.

There’s not much that the Altons won’t cover in the Survival Medicine Podcast! To listen in, click the link below:

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Amy and Joe Alton

The Altons

Hey, don’t forget to check out our entire line of quality medical kits (including suture kits) at Also, our Book Excellence Award-winning 700-page SURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR WHEN HELP IS NOT ON THE WAY is now available in black and white on Amazon and in color and color spiral-bound versions at


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