Australia: Riots In Sydney After “Allahu Akbar” Muslim Stabs Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel And Others During Livestream Attack

What happens when Western nations founded upon Christian values welcomes those who are compelled by anti-Christian values to live amongst the very people they are commanded to hate and kill? This is what happens. Be prepared to witness much more of this all around the world in the years to come …

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Charisma News – “Sydney, Australia, just suffered its second stabbing attack mere days after six people were killed at a local mall.

On the evening of Apr. 15, a suspected radical Islamist attacked Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, leader of Wakeley’s Christ the Good Shepherd Church, an Assyrian Orthodox church.

Bishop Mar Mari has a large social media following, with reactions to his sermons often going viral.

The service was being livestreamed Monday, Apr. 15 (Australia time), and caught the entire attack in real-time.

As Mar Mari noticed the attacker approaching him, the man began stabbing him repeatedly as they fell to the floor with the congregation erupting in screams.

Congregants rushed to Mar Mari’s side and tackled the assailant who managed to stab several other congregants before he was fully subdued…” Read more.

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