news Prepping

Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 74: Roundup of Audience Questions and Tips

Episode 74: Roundup of Audience Questions and Tips Listen here! Today, you picked the show topic! I answer some of the questions I have received lately plus share some fantastic tips from some of my blog readers! Everything from canning meat to storing dehydrated food to what to do with those empty #10 cans. Mentioned in the show: Canning chicken or pork Dehydrating frozen vegetables Fresnel lens 101 Uses for Empty #10 Cans Keep preparing! Angela *************************************************************** Subscribe to my email newsletter for updates and special deals. Please be sure to follow Food Storage and Survival on Facebook which is updated every time there is a new article. You can also find me on Pinterest, and purchase my book, Food Storage for Self Sufficiency and Survival on…

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you LEAVE IT…

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you LEAVE IT THERE.  You don’t need to take it out …

news Prepping

Reader Comments Roundup: Save Your Scissors, Tea Balls, Firearms and More!

photo by geishaboy500 I’ve had quite a few of you comment over the course of this blog, and many of those comments are incredibly insightful, so I thought I’d start sharing some of the top comments with all of you!  In the interest of keeping this post under five pages long, here are some of my favorite comments from just the last week. From Janie on The Short List of Essential Off Grid Sewing Supplies: “Keep your family from using your fabric scissors by putting a lock through the handles. A luggage lock will do or, — as a friend of mine did (after her husband used her fabric scissors for trimming a radiator hose)…

news Prepping

The Truth About Keeping Preparedness in Perspective

photo by KOMUnews Do you ever get the feeling that you’ll never be fully prepared?  That it’s impossible to reach the level of preparedness you feel others may have or that you’d like to attain?  Well you’re not alone.  Lots of preppers have had those same thoughts.  But don’t let it freeze you up and keep you from trying or send you to the depths of prepper despair.  There are a few truths about preparedness that everyone should know. The truth is there is no list or standard of exactly what you need to prepare yourself and your family.  This is YOU and YOUR family.  Maybe living in a bunker in some remote location in Idaho with a bunch…

news Prepping

Top 10 Things I Learned While Earning My Karate Yellow Belt

I recently started taking a Tang Soo Do Karate class with my girls ages 8 and 11.  Just last week we each earned the first rank–the fabulous yellow belt!  (Yellow just happens to be one daughter’s favorite color so she’s particularly thrilled.)  There were many things to learn along the way like vocabulary, and specific types of kicks, blocks, and punches.  But what have I really learned from my short 3 months in karate?  Here’s a rundown of the top 10 things. 10. I’m older than I used to be.  In my brain I can do anything, but I usually go home from class with some new part of me hurting.  Good thing it’s temporary and we only have…

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a …

news Prepping

Food Storage and Survival Top 10 of 2012!

As the year winds down, I want to give a special thanks to all my fantastic readers and blog sponsors!  Blog traffic is up more than 250{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} over last year and I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate your visits, comments, and questions!  Thank you!  Looking back over the year, here are the top 10 posts from 2012: 10.  What are Gamma Seal Lids and How to Install Them.  You’ll want a few of these lids if you’re storing food in buckets! 9.  Eight Great Powerless Cooking Options.  How many of these do you have? 8.  Four Reasons I Won’t Be Buying Survival Seeds. 7. 6 Tips for …

news Prepping

Doomsday Preppers: Escape From New York Preview PLUS Survival Kit Giveaway!

Have you been keeping up with National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers show?  This week is one you city dwellers especially will want to catch.  Escape From New York follows three different preppers in New York City who believe their best chance for survival from (***insert preferred disaster scenario here***) is to get out of the city.  With the entire episode focusing on getting out of a city, there is a lot of great information for those who may be in that situation when disaster strikes. I think this is my favorite episode so far, probably because they skip the “expert assessment” at the end and just…

news Prepping

Food Storage and Survival Top 10 of 2012!

As the year winds down, I want to give a special thanks to all my fantastic readers and blog sponsors!  Blog traffic is up more than 250{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} over last year and I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate your visits, comments, and questions!  Thank you!  Looking back over the year, here are the top 10 posts from 2012: 10.  What are Gamma Seal Lids and How to Install Them.  You’ll want a few of these lids if you’re storing food in buckets! 9.  Eight Great Powerless Cooking Options.  How many of these do you have? 8.  Four Reasons I Won’t Be Buying Survival Seeds. 7. 6 Tips for Success if You’re Planting Your Garden …

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you …