news Survivalism

How to Make Improvised Arrowheads with Simple Tools for a Survival Bow & Arrow in Modern Times

A Guest Blog Post by Dave Meade Overview You will learn how to make what I consider to be the best and simplest arrowhead for hunting, and we will discuss items you might already have laying around, collecting dust, that could be turned into an awesome improvised arrowhead with simple hand tools. Broadhead made from found items at minimal cost. For thousands of years, rock has been used to make hunting points, via the skill of knapping. But what if you live where there is no flint, chert, dacite, or obsidian? Are you to starve because you do not live …

news Survivalism


Many of you have asked for more details about the Live Capture Box trap that Bill, Dave, Andrew and I used to catch the Quail.  To my knowledge, this is a trap style that originates in Asia but versions of it exist all over the world.  It’s very unique in that it can be constructed from all natural materials.  Below I detail the trap design as well as the trigger I normally pair with it. It all starts with 2 pieces of cordage and 2 sticks… A length of cordage is tied between the ends of two sticks.  When tied, the length of rope should be a little longer (6 or so inches) than the sticks.  The shape at this point should …

news Survivalism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Creek Joins WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) as Weekly Survival Commentator

Whether it’s the car breaking down on a deserted stretch of road or the national infrastructure breaking down because of economic disaster, are you prepared to survive when all goes wrong? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late to get ready. Beginning today exclusively on WND’s Diversions page, nationally recognized survival expert Creek Stewart will be bringing a weekly column called “Not if, but when” to help equip you for the worst. “In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy not to consider or plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life,” Stewart told WND. “But whether caused by nature or man, real disasters happen to real people on a regular basis. I believe …

news Survivalism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Creek Joins WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) as Weekly Survival Commentator

Whether it’s the car breaking down on a deserted stretch of road or the national infrastructure breaking down because of economic disaster, are you prepared to survive when all goes wrong? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late to get ready. Beginning today exclusively on WND’s Diversions page, nationally recognized survival expert Creek Stewart will be bringing a weekly column called “Not if, but when” to help equip you for the worst. “In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy not to consider or plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life,” Stewart told WND. “But whether caused by nature or man, real disasters happen to real people on a regular basis. I believe with all…

news Survivalism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Creek Joins WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) as Weekly Survival Commentator

Whether it’s the car breaking down on a deserted stretch of road or the national infrastructure breaking down because of economic disaster, are you prepared to survive when all goes wrong? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late to get ready. Beginning today exclusively on WND’s Diversions page, nationally recognized survival expert Creek Stewart will be bringing a weekly column called “Not if, but when” to help equip you for the worst. “In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy not to consider or plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life,” Stewart told WND. “But whether caused by nature …

news Survivalism

How to Bug-In: What You Need to Know to Survive a Grid-Down Disaster

Today, published an article I wrote title: How to Bug-In: What You Need to Know to Survive a Grid-Down Disaster Hurricane Sandy is yet another sober reminder that none of us are exempt from disaster.  Sometimes, BUGGING OUT is not the best decision OR possible.  In this article I discuss a few thoughts about prepping for a potential Bug In Scenario. Here is the link if you are interested in taking a look: Thank you to Brett and Kate McKay …

news Survivalism

11 Ways A Condom Can Save Your Life: Multi-functional survival uses for a CONDOM.

I’ve just come out of hibernation from writing another survival book (details to come soon).  I really need a fun ‘creative’ and not too serious survival project.  I figure since my SURVIVAL TAMPON post went over so well (did you know I was featured on the OFFICIAL TAMPAX FACEBOOK PAGE – my Mom was so proud) I would keep this project in the same spirit.  Hope you enjoy. Including CONDOMS in survival kits is not a new idea.  People have been packing them in mini survival kits for as long as I can remember – using them primarily as an expandable WATER CONTAINER.  Don’t …

news Survivalism

29 Cool Recycled Pallet Projects: Reuse, Recycle & Repurpose Old Wooden Pallets

People amaze me. I get a real kick out of re-purposed wooden pallet projects.  People have come up with some awesome ways to recycle and reuse wooden shipping pallets and it’s pretty darn inspiring.  While not specifically survival related, the mentality of creatively using resources is a key theme in any survivor’s mindset.  I put together a collection of some of my favorite recycled pallet projects below that I thought you would enjoy. A note on using pallets.  Pallets are typically marked with either MB which means they’ve been chemically treated or HT which means they have been heat treated.  Some pallets are also pressure treated with preservatives.  You should try to avoid using MB marked and pressure treated…

news Survivalism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Creek Joins WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) as Weekly Survival Commentator

Whether it’s the car breaking down on a deserted stretch of road or the national infrastructure breaking down because of economic disaster, are you prepared to survive when all goes wrong? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late to get ready. Beginning today exclusively on WND’s Diversions page, nationally recognized survival expert Creek Stewart will be bringing a weekly column called “Not if, but when” to help equip you for the worst. “In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy not to consider or plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life,” Stewart told WND. “But whether caused by nature or man, real disasters happen to real people on a regular basis. I believe with all of my heart that each of…

news Survivalism

The 9 Most Awesome MOVIE Bug Out Vehicles of All Time

There’s nothing I love more than a good BUG OUT movie truck.  Below is a collection of some of my favorite movie vehicles that I’d take on a BUG OUT any day of the week.  I’m sure I missed some, so please add your own favorites in the comments section below! Here they are in no particular order: MOVIE: Red Dawn (the original) VEHICLE: 1978 Chevrolet K10 Cheyenne WOLVERINES!!!!  Need I say more.  I still vow to buy a 78 Cheyenne one of these days.  Nothing says BUG OUT like Swayze tearing through the mountains of Colorado in this awesome K10.  I loved this truck when I…

news Survivalism

DIY: Make a Romantic Bacon Scented Survival Candle

Hey all of you bacon fanatics, did you know you can enjoy your bacon even after the meal is over?  That’s right!  Keep reading for a quick tutorial on how to make a Bacon Grease Survival Candle. When you fry bacon, the resulting grease is nothing more than rendered pork fat.  A common word for rendered animal fat is ‘TALLOW”.  The word LARD is most often used for rendered pig fat.  Tallow can be used for all kinds of things, including a wax-like fuel for homemade candles.  Tallow can also be used for making pemmican, as a waterproofing agent and also as…

news Survivalism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Creek Joins WorldNetDaily (WND.COM) as Weekly Survival Commentator

Whether it’s the car breaking down on a deserted stretch of road or the national infrastructure breaking down because of economic disaster, are you prepared to survive when all goes wrong? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late to get ready. Beginning today exclusively on WND’s Diversions page, nationally recognized survival expert Creek Stewart will be bringing a weekly column called “Not if, but when” to help equip you for the worst. “In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy not to consider or plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life,” Stewart told WND. “But whether caused by nature or man, real disasters happen to real people on a regular basis…

news Survivalism

The 9 Most Awesome MOVIE Bug Out Vehicles of All Time

There’s nothing I love more than a good BUG OUT movie truck.  Below is a collection of some of my favorite movie vehicles that I’d take on a BUG OUT any day of the week.  I’m sure I missed some, so please add your own favorites in the comments section below! Here they are in no particular order: MOVIE: Red Dawn (the original) VEHICLE: 1978 Chevrolet K10 Cheyenne WOLVERINES!!!!  Need I say more.  I still vow to buy a 78 Cheyenne one of these days.  Nothing says BUG OUT like Swayze tearing through the mountains of Colorado in this awesome K10.  I loved this truck when I first saw Red Dawn in the 80′s and I love it now. MOVIE: Dante’s Peak VEHICLE…