news Prepping

Stockpile Challenge – Update #2

One week into the Stockpile Challenge,  we are now out of most of those items we all pick up fresh at the store each week.  I purposely did not go out and stock up on a huge amount of fresh produce and cheese because I wanted the challenge to be more akin to a sudden change in circumstances.  I still have some fresh carrots and potatoes, but that’s it for fresh vegetables.  I’m down to the last 2 apples also, then it’s on to canned and frozen for our produce.  I am moving on to the milk that I store in the…


Canning 101: Pressure Canning «

Once you trump your anxiety over pressure canning (if this relates to you) then you will take your prepping to a completely different level – you can preserve your healthy, carefully sourced meats and even entire meals in shiny …


Pressure Canning: Two Kinds of Chili «

Pressure Canning: Two Kinds of Chili. November 30, 2012. Chili is the perfect meal for a snowy winter day. These recipes provide two very different takes on the traditional chili and are both enormously popular at our house. They are …

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-watch…


Canning 101: Pressure Canning «

Once you trump your anxiety over pressure canning (if this relates to you) then you will take your prepping to a completely different level – you can preserve your healthy, carefully sourced meats and even entire meals in shiny …


Pressure Canning: Two Kinds of Chili «

Pressure Canning: Two Kinds of Chili. November 30, 2012. Chili is the perfect meal for a snowy winter day. These recipes provide two very different takes on the traditional chili and are both enormously popular at our house. They are …

news Prepping

6 Cleaning Necessities for Your Stockpile

If you have these 6 items, there’s nothing you can’t clean: Baking soda Bleach Borax Dawn dish soap  Table salt White vinegar Many of us have spent our valuable dollars buying the latest in cleaning supplies.  What we’re really paying for is harsh chemicals (some of them carcinogenic) and artificial fragrances (many of which are also unhealthy).  Instead, consider stocking up on these basic items, which will allow you to make any household cleaner you might need.  Most of the time you can purchase these items on sale or in bulk quantities.  As well, they all serve other purposes besides basic cleaning, which maximizes your storage space. Baking …

news Prepping

Become a Lean, Mean Prepping Machine: Weight Loss for Survival

If the SHTF, you aren’t going to live off your fat.  Trust me on this one. If anything, a great deal of excess body fat just might be the thing that kills you. If you are truly serious about preparedness, getting into shape is one of the best preparations that you can make.  What if you had to bug out through the snow with a 25 pound pack on your back, dragging a sled with your toddler on it?  How far could you get before you collapsed?    Is your heart in condition to go out and swing an axe for a few hours in order to get wood ready for the…

news Prepping

Serfdom and the Feudal System: What’s Old is New Again

The period of history from the 5th to the 15th century was known as the Middle Ages.  During this time, the law of the land in Europe was known as the “feudal system.”  This was the manner in which the upper 10{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} (the nobility) controlled the lower 90{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} (the serfs or peasants). There were a few kings who were very wealthy and powerful, who owned all of the land.  To maintain control of this land, it was broken into fiefdoms and pieces were given to friends of the kings (barons).  The barons then allotted land to their friends and allies in order to…

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards…

news Prepping

Morality: The Hard Line Between Revolutionary and Terrorist

In a war, it appears that it’s easy to become just as bad as the monsters that you are fighting. Just ask the survivors of a killing spree in Afghanistan last March, when US soldiers went on a rampage, killing 17 civilians, 9 of them children. Only one soldier, Army Staff Sgt Robert Bales, was charged but the witnesses have a different story: One mother-of-six, whose husband was killed during the incident, believes there were as many as 20 people involved. She told SBS Dateline journalist Yalda Hakim: ‘When they shot dead my husband, I tried to drag him into the house, they’d shot him in the head so his brain was…

news Prepping

Stockpile Challenge – Update #1

The stockpile challenge has already been a slight challenge.  We had guests, and then a snowstorm.  After having extra people snowed in with us for a week, it definitely made a dent in our “favorites”.  I am seeing the beginning of the end of my cheese supply.  This saddens me, since I like to make homemade pizza once per week.  We can probably do pizza once or twice more, unless I can quickly figure out how to make cheese! As well much of the “snacky” food is history.  You know the type, those goodies that you grab a handful of here and there – pretzels, roasted peanuts, etc. …

news Prepping

Morality: The Hard Line Between Revolutionary and Terrorist

In a war, it appears that it’s easy to become just as bad as the monsters that you are fighting. Just ask the survivors of a killing spree in Afghanistan last March, when US soldiers went on a rampage, killing 17 civilians, 9 of them children. Only one soldier, Army Staff Sgt Robert Bales, was charged but the witnesses have a different story: One mother-of-six, whose husband was killed during the incident, believes there were as many as 20 people involved. She told SBS Dateline journalist Yalda Hakim: ‘When they shot dead my husband, I tried to drag him into the house, they’d shot him in the head so his brain was all over …

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-…