
Japan's nuclear cities green-light reactor restart — RT

Efforts to avert total meltdown at Fukushima reactor 1 continue. Three workers have been exposed to harmful doses of radiation while working at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. There have been reports of a rise …


Apocalypse Ready! Siberian company begins selling End-Of-The …

It might not keep you alive for long, but a Siberian firm is offering survival kits to anyone who fears the end of the world is nigh. And for everyone else, it makes for a fun stocking-filler come Christmas – provided the world hasn't …


N. Korea accuses US of attempting to spark war — RT

A top North Korean diplomat lays the blame for unceasing tensions between the Koreas solely on the US. The Korean peninsula is the world's biggest hotspot, he acknowledged, mentioning thermonuclear conflict as a possibility. … Two passenger ferries have collided off the coast of Hong Kong, leaving at least 37 people dead in one of the worst disasters to hit the city. Six crew members were arrested following the incident suspected of “endangering people's lives at …


Japan's nuclear cities green-light reactor restart — RT

Efforts to avert total meltdown at Fukushima reactor 1 continue. Three workers have been exposed to harmful doses of radiation while working at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. There have been reports of a rise …


Apocalypse Ready! Siberian company begins selling End-Of-The …

It might not keep you alive for long, but a Siberian firm is offering survival kits to anyone who fears the end of the world is nigh. And for everyone else, it makes for a fun stocking-filler come Christmas – provided the world hasn't …


Apocalypse Ready! Siberian company begins selling End-Of-The …

It might not keep you alive for long, but a Siberian firm is offering survival kits to anyone who fears the end of the world is nigh. And for everyone else, it makes for a fun stocking-filler come Christmas – provided the world hasn't …