news Libertarianism

One More Radiator

I had an “encounter” about 3 years ago with an elk cow while driving my truck at about 50mph. Fortunately the damage was not severe and I was able to drive home. It did rearrange some of the front end of my truck, my air conditioner condenser was ruined and it pushed my radiator about 4 inches back toward the engine. My original radiator wasn’t damaged to the point where it wouldn’t work, PB did

news Libertarianism

Updates and random pictures…

This week has been a very light week, my work partner and I got all of our work done on Monday, for the entire week! So this week has been almost a vacation… A couple of weeks ago, PB’s brother and friend came in for a visit, a bit of a surprise visit, that’s fine though, they are fairly low maintenance guests and they helped PB around the sky castle, they even got in on some bridge building.

news Libertarianism

Scratching That Itch

Have I told you? I have this itch, and sometimes it gets really bad, I’ve had it most of my life, at least as early as I can remember… sometimes it goes away for a while, but it always returns, and here lately it’s been pretty bad… What is this issue? Well, it’s art, I have really wanted to get back into drawing, a while back I purchased a big box of crayons, yes the ones that kids use 🙂 I have, in the past, used crayons to draw what would be considered “fine art”, ie it wasn’t kids stuff, and it has turned out pretty well if …

news Libertarianism

Scratching That Itch

Have I told you? I have this itch, and sometimes it gets really bad, I’ve had it most of my life, at least as early as I can remember… sometimes it goes away for a while, but it always returns, and here lately it’s been pretty bad… What is this issue? Well, it’s art, I have really wanted to get back into drawing, a while back I purchased a big box of crayons, yes the ones that kids use 🙂 I have, in the past, used crayons to draw what would be considered “fine art”, ie it wasn’t kids stuff, and it has turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. I would …


Dogs and kids… | Living Off the Grid: Free Yourself

BOOKS: The off-grid community and the battle to live their way. Off The Grid in America (Penguin, 2010) · How to Live Off-Grid UK (Bantam, 2008) · About Off-Grid · Off-Grid 101 · Landbuddy Interactive Map · Archives · Forum …

news Libertarianism

Prepping on a Budget, part 4 – Water

Water, it IS necessary for life. For drinking, cooking and cleaning, it’s more than handy to have around, it’s a matter of life and death. In my previous water article, I discussed how my hubby and I deal with water in our off grid life. Chances are if you are reading this, you live in a more traditional setting with city water on tap, all you have to do is turn on the faucet and clean water comes out. Hopefully that situation never changes for you, but it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the eventuality that it might not flow out as readily as it always has, and if it does, perhaps it will not be clean and sanitary as you would…

news Libertarianism

Words of Wisdom for 2013

This has been a pretty slow year, slow is good though, lots of good things happened, a few “bad” things happened too, the biggest being my dad passing on this summer, that is the cornerstone of my year this year. Though I don’t consider death the end of life, in fact for me, it is just a transition into the next life, that is based on 2 things, 1st is my faith, my Christian faith, I am not “religious”, religion is how man screwed up the relationship with God, I do however have a great relationship with the Trinity of God, the 2nd thing is my NDE (near death experience), I drowned as a child, I remember all of it, I …

news Libertarianism

Merry Christmas 2012

Here’s wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a happy & safe New Year! All written text from this blog are copyrighted and owned by Wretha unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved, You may download or copy for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not distribute without written permission. You may post a portion of this (or any) message from this blog on another site as long as you include a link back to this site and the original message. Wretha, Thanks for visiting!

news Libertarianism

Happy Anniversary

EEEK, I just realized, I missed our 5 year anniversary, living off grid! This time of the year is always busy busy busy for me and yesterday just flat out got away from me. So I’ll write about it today, So, 5 years ago, December 22, 2007, we arrived at our property at about 3:30 in the morning, it was blowing a gale, it was about 14 degrees F, we had been driving for about 12 hours and we were exhausted. The reason it was so late, we had planned on getting an earlier start in the day, we were packed and ready to go, we were taking a final walkthru of the house to make sure we had everything we were going …

news Libertarianism

TEOTWAWKI on Dec 21, 2012 – or not…

I have always wanted to live off the grid, when I was a kid, I didn’t exactly know what that meant, I just knew that I wanted to live away from people and populated areas, I wanted to live off the land, to be free of society, to be self sufficient. There were no solar panels back then, at least none to be had by most people, I was willing to live in a small cabin using candles or kerosene lanterns for light, cooking on a wood stove or fireplace, living like a pioneer. Little did I know that the end of the world would come in my lifetime… I did know about solar…

news Libertarianism

Scratching That Itch

Have I told you? I have this itch, and sometimes it gets really bad, I’ve had it most of my life, at least as early as I can remember… sometimes it goes away for a while, but it always returns, and here lately it’s been pretty bad… What is this issue? Well, it’s art, I have really wanted to get back into drawing, a while back I purchased a big box of crayons, yes the ones that kids use 🙂 I have, in the past, used crayons to draw what would be considered “fine art”, ie it wasn’t kids stuff, and it has turned out pretty well…