Babylonian Bubbly Africa: Christian Genocide Worsening, Scores Slaughtered And Taken Captive, Sudan In Chaos, Converts To Christianity Face Death, Hatred And Terror Praised, Children Forced To Kill For Allah …

The trials that so many of our Christian brothers and sisters find themselves in today are not just confined to the Middle East, but are prevalent wherever the spirit of Islam seeks territorial domination. As bad as these tribulations appear today, it is but a foretaste of a Great Tribulation to come

See: Sudan: Children ‘Piled Up And Shot’ By Islamists
See: New Report Details South Africa’s Links To Islamic Terror
See: ‘An Invisible Genocide Where Sadistic Killers Slaughter & Execute Thousands Of Christians’
See: Persecution Of Christians A Significant Indicator Of Future World Chaos, ‘The Worst Is Yet To Come’

Christians In Africa Face Worrying Rise In Killings, Persecution And Displacement – “Christianity is in deadly crisis in more than half of Africa’s 54 countries … the faithful are being persecuted, killed and displaced in 28 countries on the continent. The situation is the worst in Nigeria… ‘Of the nearly 5,000 Christians killed for their faith in 2023 worldwide, a staggering 82% of them were in Nigeria.’ … The Nigerian research group Intersociety, the International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law, calls the killing of Nigeria’s Christians genocide and puts the death toll higher, claiming over 8,000 Nigerian Christians were killed or abducted from January 2023 to the end of January 2024. Most of them were reportedly savagely hacked to death with knives. Intersociety says over 18,500 places of Christian worship were destroyed across Nigeria from 2009-2023. And this slaughter is continuing …” Read more.

Sudan Descends Into Chaos As Jihadists Make Historic Returns – “‘Sudan’s moment has come; chaos is our chance to sow the seeds of jihad,’ warned Abu Hudhaifa al-Sudani, a high-ranking al-Qaida leader, in an October 2022 manifesto. His words may have seemed premature at the time, but a year of brutal civil war has now plunged Sudan into the kind of chaos in which terrorist groups thrive. The risk of al-Qaida gaining ground in Sudan is now very real and imperils, I believe, not only the country itself but also regional – and potentially global – security… As a defense policy researcher and counterterrorism expert, I’m concerned that Sudan risks becoming an al-Qaida stronghold – and a potential base for orchestrating attacks on the U.S. and its allies. A potential Rapid Support Forces takeover in Sudan could mirror pre-9/11 Afghanistan …” Read more.

Somalia: Family Attempts To Kill Muslim Father Who Converted To Christianity – “A Muslim in Somalia was seriously wounded for putting his faith in Christ this month and lost his wife and five children, sources said. Mohammad Abdul, 40, survived a knife attack by his Muslim relatives on the outskirts of Kismayo, a port city in southern Somalia’s Lower Juba region, on May 5 after converting to Christianity on March 20. The relatives took his wife and children while he was recovering at a medical clinic, said a source whose name is withheld for security reasons. ‘While Abdul was nursing injuries, the Muslims went back to his house and started destroying his house, and the wife and the five children went back with their people,’ said the source. ‘His wife has told him that the Muslims are looking for him, and that therefore he should not go back to them.’” Read more.

Nigeria: 350 Captives Rescued From Boko Haram Islamists – “Nigerian military forces rescued 209 children, 135 women, and six men from Boko Haram on Tuesday. Many of the hostages had been held captive by the terrorists for years. Authorities found the victims in the Sambisa Forest in the heart of Boko Haram’s territory in the North. ‘I always wanted to escape but couldn’t because of the children,’ Hajara Umara told the Associated Press. ‘If they caught you trying to escape, they would torture you and imprison you indefinitely.’? The Islamic extremist group is responsible for the kidnapping and death of thousands since its establishment in 2009. According to U.N. agencies in Nigeria, extremist violence has caused the death of 35,000 people and the displacement of 2.1 million people.” Read more.

Nigeria: Islamists Attack Village, Scores Slaughtered, Kidnapped, Raped – “‘Amnesty International condemns Boko Haram’s latest vicious killing of at least 75 persons during a deadly attack on Tuesday targeting fishermen at Tunbun Rogo — a village in the Kukawa local government area of #Borno State,’ the human rights organisation said in a statement on Friday… left dozens missing while the bodies of those killed are still being retrieved from the bush. ‘Since the attack, dozens of people are still missing while bodies of those killed while trying to escape Boko Haram’s raid are still being discovered in the bush and the nearby river.’ Lamenting how ‘Boko Haram target women and girls with rape and other sexual violence,’ Amnesty International said, ‘The Nigerian authorities must do more to protect civilians and bring the suspected perpetrators of all such attacks to justice.’” Read more.

Uganda: Muslim Son Kills Mother After She Coverts To Christianity, Relative Says – “A Muslim in eastern Uganda is suspected of killing his mother last week by putting pesticide in her food for refusing to leave her Christian faith, a relative said. Sulaina Nabirye, 50, of Kamuli, Kamuli District, put her faith in Christ on Feb. 10, and since then her 31-year-old son had tried to persuade her to return to Islam, said the relative, whose name is withheld for security reasons. ‘During the month of Ramadan, she complained of her son pressuring her to stop attending church and revert back to Islam, since he was studying to become an imam at Bugembe Mosque,’ the relative said. ‘When she refused to convert back to Islam, he stopped visiting her at her house and threatened to chase or even kill her.’” Read more.

Somalia: Al-Shabaab Islamists Forcing Children To Fight In Jihadist Wars – “Children form most of the new recruits of Al-Shabaab… Between January and June 2020, Al-Shabaab was responsible for 75% of child recruitment cases in Somalia, with the largest numbers of such incidents documented in Middle Jubba, Lower Shabelle and Bay. Children recruited by Al-Shabaab have been used in combat, including as human shields and suicide bombers, or to plant explosive devices, as well as in auxiliary roles, such as carrying ammunition, water, and food, removing injured and dead militants, gathering intelligence, and serving as guards… Children are further indoctrinated in schools set up by the organisation. The use of Islamic institutes and education of children in Al-Shabaab schools with the aim of creating young recruits with a ‘Jihadi worldview’ has been reported.” Read more.

Egypt: Former MP Says Muslims Will Continue Jihad Till Allah Is Victorious, It’s Their Duty According To The Quran – “Suleiman Saleh, a former member of the Egyptian parliament on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), called on the West to renounce its arrogant attitude toward the Muslims and understand that their Islamic identity obligates them to fulfill a certain role in this world, a role that includes waging jihad in order to bring about the victory of Allah. The Quran, he said, indicates that ‘the future will be shaped by the believers who bear their suffering with fortitude and wage jihad for the sake of Allah while their souls yearn for Paradise.’ … for they realize that this is but a trial and will end in victory… by waging jihad with limited means and bearing its suffering with fortitude and faith, the Islamic resistance in Palestine – namely Hamas – has proved that faith is more powerful than the Western weapons.” Read more.

Egyptian TV Host: Teach Your Children To Hate Israel, This Is A Human, Moral, And National Duty:

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