Babylonian Bubbly: To Close Out 2023, Muslims Plan Terror Attacks In Europe, Praise Terrorism In Canada, Attack Jews In America …

Will the Western world get better in 2024, or will it get worse, because of Islam? …

Islamist Terror Attacks Thwarted In Germany And Austria On New Year’s Eve – “German police arrested three people on Sunday over an alleged attack plot targeting the cathedral in Cologne on New Year’s Eve… The three suspects are believed to be linked to a Tajik who was arrested on Christmas Eve, said Cologne police chief Johannes Hermann. The Tajik was detained by German police on the same day, as Austria announced the arrests of another three suspects in Vienna… ‘Islamist people and groups’ are ‘more active than ever at the moment,’ warned Herbert Reul, interior minister of North Rhine-Westphalia state …” Read more.

Canada: Muslim Preacher Praises Terrorism And Death, Prays For Genocide Of Jews – “On December 3, 2023, the Muslim Youth Victoria YouTube channel livestreamed a sermon delivered by Canadian Islamic scholar Sheikh Younus Kathrada titled ‘Jihad and Martyrdom.’ In the sermon, Sheikh Kathrada listed the seven blessings received by a martyr when he is killed while waging jihad for the sake of Allah, which include receiving 72 black-eyed houri virgins in Paradise. Kathrada said that the enemies of Islam mock the Muslims about the promise of 72 virgins and label mujahideen as terrorists, but are in fact jealous of the Muslims, adding: ‘Let’s see who has the last laugh.’ … In addition, he praised the mujahideen in Gaza, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kashmir, and said: “I beg of Allah to make us of those who have been martyred in His cause.” He concluded his sermon by asking Allah to grant victory to the mujahideen all over the world, to annihilate the Jews, and to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.” Read more.

California: Long Beach City Council Meeting Turns Into Antisemitic Hate Fest – “A meeting of the Long Beach City Council devoted to the war raging in Gaza between Israel and Hamas apparently devolved into an antisemitic hate fest, with speakers invoking some of the darkest myths and libels used to persecute Jews since the Middle Ages. A video posted to the X platform by user Yael Bar Tur saw speakers paint the only Jewish state in the world as child murderers and rapists, and its supporters as servants of the global Zionist lobby. Black Jews in Israel were being forcibly sterilized, one speaker alleged.” Read more.

New Jersey: Muslims Attack Girl At “American Dream” Mall After Realizing She’s A Jew – “A Jewish family was shopping at the American Dream mall in New Jersey, which is considered popular among the local Jewish communities and offers several options for kosher food. One of the girls in the family, a 16 year old, was wearing an IDF sweater when two Muslim youths suddenly approached the family and began cursing and trying to physically attack the young woman, who was standing next to her frightened 12-year-old sister. The young Muslims cursed the family with harsh words, shouting “free Palestine” and accused Israel of ‘committing genocide.’” Read more.

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