Babylonian Bubbly UK: ISIS Calls For Mass Drone Terror, Muslim Leader Praises Palestinian Terror, Muslim Inmates Filling UK Prisons Terrorize Inmates, “Dirty Bomb” Terrorists Released Early From Jail, Support For Terror Against Israel Increasing …

In the Islamic world where the wine of the vine is forbidden, the wine of violence continues to be forced upon all

Flashback: A Wake-Up Call: The Inevitable End Of Europe As We Know It
Flashback: Former Intelligence Chief: “Europeans Will Succumb To Islam”
Flashback: Muslims 4% Of UK Population Yet 200x More Likely To Commit Sex Crimes
Flashback: Giving Heed To Doctrines Of Demons: London Church Hosts Islamic Prayers, Ramadan Iftari Dinners

ISIS Issues Call Upon Muslim Lone-Wolf Attackers To Target UK – “ISIS has started to encourage its followers in Europe to use commercial drones to ‘strike them from the sky’. The latest threat from the resurgent Islamist terror group, which plans to unleash attacks across the West this year, came from ISIS-K’s official media arm, the Al-Azaim Foundation. The propaganda arm published a poster of a European football stadium and a drone in flight. The text on the poster reads: ‘If they constrict and oppress you on the ground, then strike them from the sky.’” Read more.

Muslim Activist Leader Gushes Over October 7 As A “Bright Day” – “A Palestinian activist who spoke at the National Education Union’s conference this week posted a statement praising the October 7… Saed Erziqat, who leads the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, addressed a meeting at the annual event on Thursday alongside NEU General Secretary Daniel Kebede and President Emma Rose … posted a statement praising Hamas for renewing the ‘Islamic nation’ with ‘the water of hope’ … In 2021, Kebede urged a rally to ‘globalise the intifada’. Erziqat previously compared Israel to Nazi Germany … He has also praised militant network the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade …” Read more.

UK: Islamic Honor-Based Crimes Up Nearly 200% In Recent Years – “Honor-based crimes can include murder, forced marriage, rape (gang rape is used as punishment against women suspected of engaging in illicit relations), forced genital mutilation and other coercive acts. Such crimes are common in many Muslim countries … The problem of honor-based crimes, or honor violence, has become a serious issue in Europe amid increased migration from regions where the practice is accepted … The Metropolitan police documented 1,213 cases, including ‘two attempted murders, 32 rapes, 310 cases of forced marriage and 49 cases of female genital mutilation’ … In Greater Manchester, there were a total of 729 cases, including 42 rapes, 56 forced marriages and 104 instances of assault and battery. West Midlands, an area including the city of Birmingham, recorded 729 cases of honor abuse, including 27 rapes, 19 forced marriages and 90 death threats …” Read more.

UK: Muslim Extremists In Prisons Terrorizing Inmates To Convert To Islam, Read Qur’an – “A senior government adviser on terrorism has warned of the rise of dangerous Islamic gangs in Britain’s prisons after a huge increase in the number of Muslim inmates. Jonathan Hall KC, the Government’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, described Muslim gangs as ‘a deep seated phenomenon’ in jails. The leading barrister first highlighted the pressure on inmates to convert to Islam to get protection … terrorists sometimes used gangs to seize control of prison wings, and to impose sharia law on prisoners … The adviser echoed claims made this week by convicted murderer Steve Gallant, a hero of the London Bridge terror attack, that prisoners were being threatened with violence to convert … Ministry of Justice figures recently revealed there were 15,584 Muslim prisoners in England and Wales last September compared to just 3,681 in 1997.” Read more.

65% Of Young British Muslims Oppose Israel’s Right To Exist – “Two-thirds of young British Muslims believe Israel should not exist as a Jewish homeland … Based on a survey of 1000 British Muslims, an astonishing 65% of the religious group aged 18-24 said they did not believe Israel has a right to exist … These findings arrive at a fraught moment in British Muslim relations. Nearly three years on from the Batley Grammar School incident, Dame Sara Khan published a report on the threats to social cohesion in British public life. It found that there was ‘a climate of fear’ being created at some schools as community faith leaders had aggressively interfered in school teaching … data suggests that a substantial number of British Muslims may show similar hardline views …” Read more.

Englandistan: Islamic Prayer In Westminster, “Europe Is Ending In Plain Sight” – “When we thought we had seen it all, Islamic prayer, the muezzin and Allahu Akbar arrived in Westminster. ‘London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together,’ said Imam Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi… Two weeks ago, imams prayed at the Parliament in Brussels… While Islamic terrorists spread terror in Paris by killing 129 people, in Bedford, near London, during a debate there was open discussion of ‘establishing the Islamic State in Great Britain’ and subjecting the country to Sharia law. Islamists think big and they’re getting there… Europe is ending in plain sight and many don’t seem to care.” Read more.

All British Terror Co-Conspirators Of ‘Dirty Bomb’ Mastermind Freed After Serving Just Half Their Terms – “All seven dangerous terrorists convicted alongside al-Qaeda ‘dirty bomber’ mastermind Dhiren Barot who wanted to kill hundreds of people in New York and London have been released from jail. The British men, all part of a sleeper cell that helped Barot plan a series of bomb plots in the UK and US, are back on the streets despite being jailed in 2007 for a combined 136 years … Chris Phillips, the UK’s former Head of the National Counter Terrorism, told MailOnline: ‘This is madness. This determined gang of terrorists planned to kill hundreds of people in bombings on both sides of the Atlantic. Releasing them almost certainly with the same views they had when plotting murder shows how weak our society has become.’” Read more.

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