Babylonian Bubbly UK: Teen Convert To Islam Develops Sudden Urge To Kill, Hindu Temple Vandalized, “Islamophobic” Schools Receive Bomb Threats, Muslim Mob Targets Jewish Youth In London …

The British have been long known for their pubs and pints. Now they’re quickly becoming well known for their foolish embrace of bitter spirits …

See: UK: Muslim Prison Population Up 200%, 8x Faster Than Others
See: UK: Report Says Islam Could Soon Become The Dominant UK Religion
See: UK: Muslims Are 4% Of UK Yet 200x More Likely To Commit Sex Crimes
See: UK: Muslim Taxi Drivers Assaulting, Raping Hundreds Of British Girls Every Year
See: UK: Convert To Islam Raises Children To Hate, Kill Non-Muslims, Become Martyrs
See: UK: ‘Sharia Neighborhoods’ In London Plan To Expand To Non-Muslim Communities
See: UK: Muslim Parents Forbid Playing With Christians, Demands School ‘Get Rid Of The White Kids’

Teen Muslim Convert ‘Looked Up Weapons And Isle Of Wight Festival As Terror Target’ – “A teenage Muslim convert accused of planning a terror attack looked up the Isle of Wight Festival as a potential target after developing an ‘Islamic extremist mindset’, a jury has heard. The 16-year-old boy, who was 15 at the time and cannot be named due to his age, is also alleged to have sent ISIS videos of beheadings and violence online to those who appeared to share a ‘similar mindset’. As part of his alleged plot to carry out a terror attack, he is said to have looked up weapons, vehicles, and stab vests, and obtained a knife by July 2022.” Read more.

England-Based Shiva Temple Vandalised By Man Reciting Quran Verses – “In the United Kingdom’s Wembley, last week, a Hindu temple became the scene of a potential hate crime, as a man reportedly reciting Quran verses tried to throw a sacred idol and smashed a lamp … the man was initially stopped by volunteers and devotees who asked him to remove his boots and pull down the hoodie, but he refused to listen and left the temple premises. However, he came back and went to the side of the temple where the deities were placed… The man was detained by volunteers and the Metropolitan Police were called. The man even tried to assault an officer.” Read more.

London Schools Accused of ‘Islamophobia’ Receive Bomb Threats – “A primary school in London may be forced to close after receiving ‘bomb threats’ over Islamophobia accusations – after a different school closed early over bomb threats following a ‘prayer ban’ on the premises. Barclay Primary School in Leyton, east London, told parents it might have to ‘revert to online learning’ because it received bomb threats over the headteachers decision to ban students from wearing pro-Palestinian badges… Another school, known as ‘Britain’s strictest’, was also forced to close two days early for Christmas over a bomb hoax. Katharine Birbalsingh, the head of Michaela Community School, said she was forced to implement a ban on prayer rituals on the premises after teachers were racially harassed.” Read more.

Masked Muslim Mob Targets Jewish Youth Group – “This is the shocking moment a masked mob targets a Jewish youth group for inviting a British IDF soldier to host a talk … men were filmed shouting at Jewish people gathered on the street in Hendon, north west London, while being separated by police officers. The Boys Clubhouse is a Jewish charity that provides a safe environment for disadvantaged teenage boys in crisis… One man wearing a black balaclava points at the group while being held back by an officer and shouts ‘dirty scum’… the soldier was invited to the talk to ‘inspire the boys to do well in life’ and it had ‘nothing to do with the army’…?the young boys at the charity know ‘this is part of being Jewish in England today’. Passersbys told The Jewish Chronicle that it was ‘terrifying’, ‘awful’ …” Read more.

Dozens Of UK Islamic Scholars, Leaders Condemn Gov’t For Banning Racist Terror Org– “Imams and Islamic scholars from Blackburn and Burnley have condemned the government’s decision to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir as a proscribed terrorist organisation. In a joint statement, the 47 scholars … said the decision represented ‘a severe assault on the fundamental freedoms of speech, association and belief and is a clear infringement of civil liberties’… Home Secretary James Cleverly said Hizb ut-Tahrir should be banned as a terrorist organisation and branded it ‘antisemitic’ and warned it ‘promotes and encourages terrorism’. Hizb ut-Tahrir is described as an international pan-Islamist and Islamic fundamentalist political organisation, with the stated aim of re-establishing a Islamic caliphate to unite the Muslim community (called ummah) and to implement sharia law globally.” Read more.

UK: Muslim Rape Gangs Still Operating In Rochdale And All Over The Country – “In just one city, Rotherham, British officials ‘described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.’ Nor did this happen only in Rotherham; all over the country, authorities let Muslim rape gangs run rampant for fear of being charged with ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ if they did anything about them. That is just what happened to those who dared to call attention to these gangs and the Islamic motivation behind their activities.” Read more.

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