Babylonian Bubbly USA: Hamas Supporters Rewriting History, Stanford Hosts Jew-Hating Jihadist Seeking Sharia Law In US, Muslims Honor “Butcher Of Tehran”, Islamists Pray For Annihilation Of Jews, Students Cheer As Jihadist Speaker Vows “We Are The Future” …

The descent into darkness isn’t always immediate, but one small step at a time. In America, this descent is well under way …

Florida Islamic Scholar: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, The Holocaust Were All Deceptions And Everything The U.S. Does Is A Deception – “During his May 11, 2024 lecture at the Islamic Center of Fort Lauderdale, Islamic scholar Husam Kablawi said that everything the United States does is ‘deception.’ He said that America staged 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and ‘even the Holocaust itself.’ … several lectures and sermons that took place in this mosque have caused backlash for antisemitic themes. Husam Kablawi was also a regular speaker at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami, which has removed its Facebook page following backlash from imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi’s April 26, 2024 sermon, in which he accused Israeli military of organ trafficking and theft and prayed for the annihilation of the ‘tyrannical Jews, the brother of apes and pigs.’ Husam Kablawi is a pharmacist and a former member of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at Florida International University. Following the October 7 attacks, he mocked accusations that Hamas committed sexual attacks against Israeli women in his Boca Raton Friday sermon.” Read more.

Minnesota: Muslim Dem Rep Ilhan Omar Seeks To Whitewash History Of 10/7, Objects To Footage Being Shown At UCLA That Exposes Hamas Atrocities – “Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) criticized University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Chancellor Gene Block on Thursday for allowing pro-Israel counter-protesters to screen ‘vile’ images of October 7 atrocities opposite a pro-Palestinian ‘encampment.’ … Omar, casting the pro-Palestinian students, and Palestinians, as the victims, complained about the ‘vile’ footage, without acknowledging that the footage showed Palestinians committing atrocities — the ‘encampment’s’ case… Omar’s own anti-Israel and antisemitic views are a matter of public record, both before and during her time in office.” Read more.

Minnesota High School Yearbook News Timeline Omits Oct. 7 Atrocities, Implies Israel Gratuitously ‘Declared War On Hamas’

“House Of Wisdom” Muslims In Dearborn, Michigan Hold Service To Memorialize The Late Iranian “Butcher Of Tehran” President Raisi

Stanford University: Pro-Hamas Students To Host Jew-Hating Jihadist Calling For Islamic Law In America – “Students with Stanford University’s pro-Palestinian encampment announced on social media their plans to host an imam with a long history of antisemitic statements and calls for a Muslim caliphate in the U.S. Amir Abdel Malik Ali is scheduled to speak at 5 p.m. Wednesday at White Plaza, site of the tent encampment on campus, according to three Instagram accounts associated with the protest. Born Derek Gilliam, Ali is a California imam who ‘promotes anti-Semitism, violence and conspiracy theories that blame the U.S. government and Jews for attacks by Islamic terrorists,’ according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which profiled the religious leader back in a 2011 report of ’10 leading domestic jihadists.’” Read more.

California: Imam Prays For Annihilation Of Jews, Calls LAPD Police Officers “Terrorists Like The Zionist State” For Receiving Training In Israel – “In his May 3, 2024 Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Claremont, California, which was streamed live on the Mosque’s YouTube channel, Imam Mudassir Mayet asked Allah to ‘annihilate the Zionist oppressors and their supporters from among the police and the leaders.’ He said that the LAPD are just as terrorist as the Zionist state, because they receive combat training in Israel. Mayet continued to say that any of the oppressors, including politicians and members of the police force, are welcome to repent, turn to Allah, and become Muslims, however, most of them do not choose to do so, and Allah is allowing them to dig their own hole.” Read more.

California: Hamas-Linked CAIR Official Asks Allah To ‘Annihilate The Plundering Zionist Aggressors’ – “In a May 3, 2024 Friday sermon in Hawthorne, California, Ayman Aishat, Council on American-Islamic Affairs (CAIR) director of mosque engagement, said that the ‘devils are united’ in a ‘big conspiracy’ to prevent the Islamic creed from being implemented in Muslim lands. He said that in order to understand current events, it is enough to examine recent events, when Theodor Herzl presented his Protocol and strategy in the Zionist Congress in Basel. Aishat prayed that Allah annihilate the ‘plundering Zionists.’ The sermon was streamed live on the YouTube channel of Masjid Hawthorne.” Read more.

Islamist Speaker At George Washington University: Muslims Will Take Back America, Just Like We Will Take Back Palestine, Muslims Will Be The Future – “Executive Director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) Osama Abuirshaid said at an April 25, 2024 speech at the George Washington University encampment that protesters will change America forever. He said that Zionism will be a dark moment in history, and the generation of the participants in the encampment will bring this ‘disgrace to an end.’ He concluded his speech, saying: ‘We will take back America […] You will be the past, we are the future. Assalam Alaykum.’ The video was posted on Osama Abuirshaid’s Facebook page. Abuirshaid posted on his Facebook page videos of other speakers at George Washington University on April 25, one of whom was Rafiki Morris, who said in a May 2023 Nakba Day rally in Washington D.C. that the only good Zionist is a dead Zionist and that America is a Zionist country and it must be destroyed.” Read more.

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