Cam Mather on Off Grid Living – Friday Flashbacks – Epi-21

Today’s episode of Friday Flashbacks was originally Episode-566- Cam Mather on Off Grid Living and was originally recorded on 12-8-10.  In this episode we discussed how Cam and his family unplugged from the grid about 14 years ago, and began their journey by expanding agricultural production, expanding their solar arrays and more.

We also discussed his two books.  The first is “Thriving During Challenging Times, The Energy, Food and Financial Independence Handbook” provides a road map for readers to deal with the converging challenges of climate change, peak oil and resource depletion and the economic crisis.  We then moved on to his second book “The All You Can Eat Gardening Handbook” shows how to turn your back yard into your own “One-Hundred-Foot-Diet Produce Department” with minimal fossil inputs.

The show notes for the original episode with all relevant resources can be found here.

Welcome to Friday Flashbacks, after 15 years and hundreds of interview shows we decided to run them as flash backs every Friday, beginning with the oldest of them going forward.  There is a tremendous library of wisdom in all the great interviews we have done over the years.  So sit back and enjoy, whether this is your first or second time around with today’s episode I am sure you will enjoy today’s episode and learn a lot from it.

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Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon.

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