Can You Really Live Off Beans in a Survival Situation?

A classic survival item preppers like to stockpile are legumes (especially beans). Inexpensive, nourishing, and easy to store. But are beans easy to cook? How about easy to digest? “I’d rather be shot than live off beans,” says John C. A. Manley, a prepper I interviewed in last month’s Survival Joe Mastermind Club meeting. “I love the taste of beans. They fill me up. But boy are most beans both hard to cook and even harder digest.” If you’re stocking your pantry full of dried kidney beans, you may want to test them out first. As Manley pointed out in our interview, beans often require soaking overnight. And then you still need to slow cook them for…
Article by Survival Blog – Urban Survival & Family Preparedness. Read entire story here.

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