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  1. 4

    I see that you’re quite versed in name-calling. That must be the point that you’re trying to make. ? I shall give you a cookie for that.

  2. 7

    Apparently, whatever it is that I studied made me stupid, and you propose I study the same? things? I don’t get it. Why don’t you make a legitimate argument on the subject or just not comment at all?

  3. 8

    This is an interesting little? pistol. I had the opportunity to handle one the other day at my local shop. The most unique feature is by far the “quicksights”. Other than that I would have to pick a glock over it if I had the option. Either way great vid as always.

  4. 18

    Ummm. I live in the UAE right now… The people who change the oil in my car make less than $300.00 a month. The people who build the buildings make slightly more, but the work is much more dangerous and labor intensive… And your per capita statement makes sense because? when you factor in all the money that the kings and princes get, that makes that number look a little bigger, wound’t you say?

  5. 24

    It amazes me how many? folks “freak out” over these because they were made in the Middle East…of course that equates to EVIL…

    To them, haha

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