
Fallout Shelter Ads, 1960s – Retronaut

Twice in my young life we lived next to people with fallout shelters in their back yards. Like all kids, I thought they were fascinating. I asked Dad why we didn't have one and he just said: “Might as well hold a piece of paper over …


Bomb Shelters Then and Now

On October 6, 1961, President John F. Kennedy encouraged all Americans to prepare for nuclear war with the Soviet Union by building bomb shelters. He said, “A fallout shelter for everybody as rapidly as possible.” In the …


Equipment: Bug-Out Bag | Uncrate

Everything that you need to survive and thrive in the Apocalypse, all stuffed conveniently into one pack. Okuma Voyager Spinning Travel Kit ($40). Ontario SP16…


Here Comes The Student Loan Bailout | Zero Hedge

Which is why we were not surprised to learn that the Federal government has now delivered yet another bailout program: this time focusing not on banks, or homeowners who bought McMansions and decided to not pay their mortgage, but on those millions of Americans, aged 18 to 80, that are drowning in student debt – debt, incidentally, which has been used to pay … All's needed is a small bag of the new fangled platinum coins that guy Krugman keeps talkin' about.


Make a Grey Man Bug Out Bag

A Grey Man is someone you never notice. Someone who doesn t stand out. Someone who doesn t looks like he s carrying a $12000000.00 diamond in his …


Bug out bag ammo

Do you carry an assortment of ammo in your bob, or just the type you need? It seems like a great idea to carry more than one type incase you run.


Equipment: Bug-Out Bag | Uncrate

Everything that you need to survive and thrive in the Apocalypse, all stuffed conveniently into one pack. Okuma Voyager Spinning Travel Kit ($40). Ontario SP16…


Blog of Manly » Clothing – Bug out Bag Part 5

A poncho. You know. For rain. Long Johns. You know. For cold. It's important to have thermal socks available. It's also important to have them dry. So keep them in a bag. I have found these socks to have the best reviews for …


Stockpiling: Medical Supplies You Should Have In Abundance …

Here are the medical supplies you should stockpile for an economic collapse type survival situation. … Be prepared to survive an economic collapse. About … This means that to be prepared, you are going to need to learn some basic first aid and it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some training in intermediate emergency medical procedures (I talk more about this in the medical posts on this site). A WAS Scenario also means that pharmacies will be out of operation.


Add this to your camping gear or bug out bag

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms, disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants. They serve rather to encourage …