
Should Gold be Part of my Investing Portfolio?

It was almost fifty years ago when the gold standard or gold-backed money was discarded. Since then, there have been efforts in some quarters of financial circles for the return to the gold-backed dollars. Gold-backed currency simply means …


Is Now the Time to Invest in Gold?

two larges sell off have caused the price of gold to fall by $80 this week, leading to talk of market manipulation. Now is the time to take advantage of the low prices and invest in gold and.


E-Gold: How To Invest In Gold Online | iContemplate

Most people, with or without an active interest in commodity investment, will by now have heard about the increasing value of investing in gold. With the dollar fast fading and the global recession encouraging people to seek …


Walking Dead Money | Gold News

Thus people are less inclined to "keep their money idle" by buying gold, he says. Better to "put your funds to good use," he says, by channeling it into other investments. Really? Evidently, this banker-guy missed the class in …


6 Ways To Invest In Gold – Seeking Alpha

With the current fiscal cliff casting a shadow over the market and the U.S. dollar, investors need to first determine if they should invest in gold, and then how to do it. The choices facing the United States are quite simple. With a …


Monetary Rage –

The appeal of this view is, I think, both political and emotional; it goes along with the general view that doing anything to help the less fortunate (especially if it involves taxing the rich) invites disaster, and it also ties in with the …


ECOMINOES: Here Comes QE4 And Subsequent Disaster

The kicker: this one may be the largest yet! What do we have to look forward to as a result of all of this monkeying with the monetary system? Disaster. From Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity: QE 4: Folks, This Ain't Normal …


CDC | LRN | Laboratory Network for Biological Terrorism

Laboratory Network for Biological Terrorism. Pyramid representing lab roles in the LRN. BOTTOM: Sentinel labs for recognizing, ruling National Laboratories. National laboratories, including those operated by CDC, U.S. Army Medical …